I really want to know when ice gets good attack i look at even their waterworks stuff and i am puzzled by when do they get attack. Any other tips on ice would help a lot.
It does seem that some schools are easier at getting good damage then others but if you work at it you can be all the school can be.
What I do with each school is off set the weakness with things available to me in the game - such as the tri blade from Niles, I don't really need it early on but later worlds it comes in handy during boss fights, then starting at level 50 I go pick up the Sun Spells (fists) to Colossus. I craft the level 56 gear from Wintertusk and equip it at lvl 56. Up until level 56 I check for better stuff every 5 levels. I continue to scan for drops and Bazaar items to make sure all my gear is best it can be.
I have a collection of amulets that I use a long the way that give extra blades/traps, Jewel of Feint etc, these items can usually be stacked for more damage when needed. So many items have flooded the game it is difficult to find the good stuff. Setting up an efficient deck for mobs and one for boss fights helps.
Round your wizard off with a good pet and you should see marked improvement on game play with any school you choose.
I really want to know when ice gets good attack i look at even their waterworks stuff and i am puzzled by when do they get attack. Any other tips on ice would help a lot.
Ice is never meant to out power anyone...Ice is the 'tank' of the game...highest health and lasting the longest in battle. Your spells can easily be made more powerful by using your blade and trap, the elemental blades/traps in krok and any pet that may cast a blade or trap (or who gives one). My Ice wizard never has to worry about being defeated and packs one heck of a punch.
Ice is never meant to out power anyone...Ice is the 'tank' of the game...highest health and lasting the longest in battle. Your spells can easily be made more powerful by using your blade and trap, the elemental blades/traps in krok and any pet that may cast a blade or trap (or who gives one). My Ice wizard never has to worry about being defeated and packs one heck of a punch.
Ya i guess i should go for resistance gear for a long lasting ice wizard thanks alot guys :D
Yeah Ice was meant to be the guy with the big health in the game. At level 60 I reached my 4000's in health and that doesn't come until the WAY later levels for some other schools. And with the right tactics you can do huge hits with ice. I believe I added it up for snow angel ( Over Time Attack ) and it reached up to 5000 damage to a storm boss which I was stuck on. My point is that if you prepare your attack up, this "Tank" of the game can be feared by many!
I think of Ice being able to chip away at the opponent with things like Frostbite and Blizzard then using their 40% blade and other things to get rid of the rest of their health with something like Wooly Mammoth.
I think of Ice being able to chip away at the opponent with things like Frostbite and Blizzard then using their 40% blade and other things to get rid of the rest of their health with something like Wooly Mammoth.