The hardest quest for me was in cl, but not trial of the spheres! it was the quest with the two wolves in the Floating land. Gosh, it was so hard, i even stoped cl and left for wt! then still, at lvl 58, i couldn't do it! I finnaly got 3 wizards to do it with me. It was harder than trial of the spheres!
Keira Dreamleaf lvl 64 Diviner
Oh my gosh same!!! It took me aaages so do that quest and I died so many times!! I kept thinking, Alex, these are two simple bosses. Why can't you smash them? But it was just so difficult! Eventually managed it though :P
Sierra Ashblood, Legendary
(Alex is my name - Sierra is my awesome in-game name XD)
Definitely when I first did the Throne Room of Fire dungeon. I got into Krokotopia at level 13 or 14 as a death wizard. I kept getting really far, and then on the last boss I would die. I was soloing it over and over again until my friend asked if I wanted help and we defeated it together easily. (I was also at a higher level because I had been doing a lot of side quests). Now I have done the dungeon multiple times and beaten it solo multiple times. I am much farther in Krokotopia now (soloing it). I have been doing a lot of side quests and I have to say that another really hard one is Colossus Boulevard (I soloed it at level 18 death wizard). A word of advice, if I were you, I would do half of Colossus Boulevard, go onto Krokotopia and side quests, and come back at a higher level for the rest, when you get up to it.
Mine would either be sunken city or throne room of fire. I heard that sunken city is way easier with other people, but the first time i tried it, I was with two people. I use crowns to access areas, and i was out of crowns, so i had to go back and buy more. I have had to do it solo all the other times, and never finish it. Throne room of fire because i am and Krokokammon was immune to my attacks. My secondary school was , so I only had one good damage spell [ i was only lvl 20] and that only worked with a prisim. but when i did it with a friend, it was so much easier. so my advice is do dungeons with friends. -Malorn Ravenfriend 25 and Jacob Starshield 11
I am really surprised on how many people had a hard time with GolemTower! I mean, It is so easy! I'm level 25 and with a higher level friend of mine (not that much higher) we fought and defeated a 4000 health boss with two 850 health minions. We came out of it,with almost full health and you guys are telling me that you can't beat golem tower? The final boss has only 150 health and his henchman has 125. I soloed it when I was level 8 and beat it. It isn't that hard, I mean, now I have soloed an 1000 health boss with a 375 in GH. Hopefully everyone who commented how hard Golem Tower is, has found out how really easy it actually is.
There are two quests that I am having a hard time with. "Find the Smiths" and the golem tower one. I found the Unicorn Way Smith and the Golem Court Smith, but none others. And because i have only 900 health and no elixers, i get defeated by the second round of clockwork golems.
For me it's golem tower. once i came very close but i clicked the wrong spell and it fizzled and then the guy uses the thunder snake spell and i died. :? i'm still having a hard time with it. and then there's this quest you get from prospector (sp?) zeke to find the smiths and its like finding a needle in a haystack.
Sunken city. I'm a level 43 and in DS, but sunken city is still the hardest. I tried to solo it today, and I got all the way to grubb. I had him and one of his minions dead, and I only had one left. We were both on our last scraps on health. I fizzled, and the thing killed me. Perfect. Just perfect. If this thing can not be soloed by a level 43 life wizard, it is way too hard.
Me too, but i'm still stuck on the first part with the banshee's. i've done everything i can and yet, i'm just a soar loser. i can't beat a low leveled quest.
Plenty of hard spots for me. I would have to say though, Big Ben was extremely difficult for me at the point I was at. To many floors to stay interested. I was doing it with my brother, and after he spilled the milk bottle, it became even harder . It was worth it in the end, though, because I got the spiral key to Mooshu!
Krokotopia: I Call Your Name (Sothmekhmet (Efreet Spell Quest) )
Marleybone: Swimming with Stars (Estrakir Gloomthorn)
MooShu: Positively Absolutely (Fighting Mika Sharka (Getting the Avalon Spiral Key) )
Dragonspyre: Stop the Advance (Fight Firevein (Fire Boss that roams around) and Tamris (Storm Boss that roams around) )
Celestia: Armed to the Gills (Fight Glauco + Angler Warlord)
Zafaria: Do I Look Fat In This? (Black Palace)
Avalon: Owls of a Feather (White Owl Tower)
Grizzleheim/Wintertusk: The Magic Flute (Defeat Dulin's Band in Nastrond)
I'm only about halfway through The Wild in Avalon, so I might come across harder quests later in the storyline. Based on that, I haven't unlocked Azteca yet.
the hardest one is the golem tower i keep on dieing i never make it to the last golem well i just wait till i get a higher leval i might not get it for a while from bradly trollpants myth leval 17
heres a big tip fill up your potions thats the reason i beat it
Meaowrity. Lucky I was with a level 90. If I did that solo, I would be gone on the second fight. *months later* final boss, cl. One word- hard. Oh and Malistare. Molly65
The Final Countdown; basically the whole dungeon you have to do leading up to the duel with Malestaire. I play solo most of the time. I have never been able to solo that whole thing. *sigh*
ok get your character to lvl cap then solo it it fun watching mali crumble
I am really surprised on how many people had a hard time with GolemTower! I mean, It is so easy! I'm level 25 and with a higher level friend of mine (not that much higher) we fought and defeated a 4000 health boss with two 850 health minions. We came out of it,with almost full health and you guys are telling me that you can't beat golem tower? The final boss has only 150 health and his henchman has 125. I soloed it when I was level 8 and beat it. It isn't that hard, I mean, now I have soloed an 1000 health boss with a 375 in GH. Hopefully everyone who commented how hard Golem Tower is, has found out how really easy it actually is.
We have different minds. At their level they fizz and they only have 1 potion for the whole thing. And that boss in GH doesn't sound too hard for about all schools except life and death (No AoE). In fact for fire all you need is a bladed meteor strike to defeat the minion and put the boss at low life. And at my balance's level he had to solo a 7,500 health boss without a minion and no critical (It was painful but I had 2,000 damage judgement hit and a 500 per head hydra hit. And if you want to push yourself to your limits try soloing big ben (Not fun to solo I speak from experience). And at the final boss in golem I took 400 damage the second round so I killed the boss then Minion took me out.
Don't laugh guys, but when i was in KT (Krokotopia), 50 odd levels ago, I got beaten by Akori Nirini 17 times in a row! Wolf IceRider - A Lover of Balance -
The Lost Lieutenant quest, where you have to go through a dungeon in Colossus Boulevard. It's not trouble to get through the first 9 levels. The 10th level, though, is insane. That is the most cheating boss ever When that guy told me the boss cheats, I thought it was gonna be like the star weak move that hits all, or the shield breaking out of turn, or stunning out of turn. but no, he casts everything in the book out of turn.
Malistaire in Dragonspyre. I'm a level 50 solo player and unable to complete the dungeon quest because of playing solo. This is a problem because I can't move on to Celestia without completing Malistaire. I don't mind finding and fighting my way but I can't do the locks alone - this part really needs to be removed from the quest so solo players can get to the next world, no matter how difficult the fight. Oh well