The very first time I took it, I got fire for my school. Now when I take it, the school I get is balance, which is a good school in my opinion, since I have a balance friend that I happen to enjoy playing wizard101 with.
So who knows, I may end up making a balance wizard one of these days.
I took the quiz the very first time I made a wizard and a couple of times since and have been given the result of Life every time. I suppose it makes sense since I've worked in the health field most of my adult life.
The quiz is the ONLY thing that determined what I got! First of all, when I joined, I'm pretty sure there was no "choosing" available. Not that I recall, at least. Maybe I was just so new that I didn't realize it... xD
I took the quiz. The first time I got Myth. Then I got Fire. THEN Ice, like I am now. I alternated between Death and Ice after that. Eventually I decided with Ice, because it seems so PERFECT for me - it's the closest to a "water" wizard that I could ever get (like I'd LOVE to be), and Sapphire is my birthstone, and blue is my favorite color. What else is there NOT to like about Ice? :D
In honor of my first attempt on the quiz, I made a Myth wizard. Then in honor of the school I got the second most (Death), I made a Necromancer.
Well.. Back when I first joined, I had remembering reading on one of the various Gaming Sites out there, that you could simply skip the test.. and just choose a School, if you wanted to..
But being a curious soul, I wanted to find out just which School I would be placed in, so I took the test and the result was Storm.
Now.. not really knowing anything about the strengths of any of the Schools or what they were like, I was not sure what I had gotten myself into.
But I ended up absolutely loving Storm!
My Storm Character became a Grand Master and took on Life as a secondary School.. and he loves it.
This combination really seems to fit my playing style.