Why are some default hairstyles unavailable as crown gear?
Title! I really enjoy playing my male wizard with the long ponytail option at character creation. Looking at the Magic Mirror, it says that this hairstyle is called "The Stalwart Guardian." Excitedly, I went to grab the hairstyle off of the shop so that I could stitch it over my hat.
However, when you view the hairstyle of the same name in the crown shop, it is not the same one! It's a little disappointing that I can't have a long ponytail without a huge hat in the way. :/
Is this ever going to be addressed, or is it ever going to be possible to get a hat toggle? It's really upsetting that pretty much every ponytail hairstyle for men is nonexistent, and hairstyles which have ponytails (see: The Frosted Tips) suddenly lose them when equipped to boy wizards... and the singular option we have isn't available to layer over!