one day I got an ice clothing and a storm clothing from a battle(they were the same lvl) and i noticed that the ice clothing gave more health then the storm clothing. i check and saw that ice clothing gave the most and storm gave the least. Why is this storm clothing should give the most healt and ice the least plz post with an awnser from KI people thx
When you took the test in the beging of the game it tells you about the school. In the ice school it said we are related to the profeser, Jack Frost, and Santa Cluas. It also said the ice school was the school that has the most health. Its the way of the game. If you go to the book in the ice class room it should tell you why ice has the most health. hopes this helps
one day I got an ice clothing and a storm clothing from a battle(they were the same lvl) and i noticed that the ice clothing gave more health then the storm clothing. i check and saw that ice clothing gave the most and storm gave the least. Why is this storm clothing should give the most healt and ice the least plz post with an awnser from KI people thx
Chase swifthand lvl 40 pyromancer
Well, let's see, ice does the least damage, so why should it not get the most health?
Storm is the strongest school, has the most powerful spells, gets the best boosts from gear in damage, accuracy, and critical points. So, in balance of the game, Ice, gets health and resist!
But don't fear, when you are high enough level, you can wear ice gear that gives you health, but you will lose your accuracy and your storm damage. It's a trade off.
There are a few reasons people don't know about but there are some things that you should know. First of all no school is better KI made it so ice had more health but weaker spells, storm has better spells and weaker health and accurecy. I think that's it. Also for the level 58 spells I think life earned it cause we never had very good spells :(
1. It wouldn't be fair to anyone if storm got better health, mana, accurecy, or spells cause then everyone would pick that school.
2. In pvp ice has most health because it has weaker spells so it has a better chance of defeating people :D
3. Ice has better accurecy but weaker spells so that explains the more health :D
Ice gets the lowest base damage mean while storm gets the highest, since storm gets the highest its gradually gets the weaker defensive/health stats while ice gets the higher defensive/health stats, Storm was meant to have the highest damage ratio but as a drawback they get lowest defense and health, ice gets the lowest so you can pretty much figure out the rest, but right now ICE dominates in my opinion anyways
The relationship between bonuses such as health, damage, shield, etc. is based off the balance of the game. Storm has the strongest damage per spell in order to balance that they gave storm wizards less health. Ice wizards have some of the weakest spells in the games so they got more health.
no i'm talking about the clothing if ice have the most base health shouldn't their clothing give the least amount of health and since storm have the least base health thier clothing should give the most health
Not at all. Ice has the most health, and resitance plus the weakest attack. Storm has the best spells and damage boosts, and has the least amount of accuracy resitance and health. each school has there pro's and con's it evens out the gameplay if let's say life couldn't heal but and had only had second weakest spells it would be unbalanced so it is the way it is nothings going to change.
Ice is mainly a school that focuses on defense (most health, resists, and mostly shields). They can attack also but not very hard, unless they have the blades and traps in set
Storm can 1 hit K.O an opponent easily, but they have the lowest health, lowest accuracy, etc. They are a school that focuses on attacks and damaging, but not really accuracy or defense.
Every school has their ups and downs, for examples
Fire: overtime damaging Ice: Strong Defense Storm: Strong Offense Life: Healing selves and others Myth: Summoning most minions Death: Draining to heal themselves Balance: Supportive Class
Sun: Enchantments Moon: Polymorphs (Transformations) Star: Personal Aura (Personal bubbles for your character)
And remember that the useless drops your character can't use, sell it so another person can get it :)
no i'm talking about the clothing if ice have the most base health shouldn't their clothing give the least amount of health and since storm have the least base health thier clothing should give the most health
chase swifthand lvl 40 master pyromancer
no you got it the other way around, ice is the highest health school so it in turn should get the highest health boost mean while storm gets the lowest cause of its powerful big damage attacks
no i'm talking about the clothing if ice have the most base health shouldn't their clothing give the least amount of health and since storm have the least base health thier clothing should give the most health
chase swifthand lvl 40 master pyromancer
ice is the weakest and storm is the strongest, end of story