So before I pursue this idea, I want to know if it will actually work. If you are a lower level wizard, let's just say level 15, and you teamed up with a level 85 to do the Winterbane Hall dungeon, would you get the same drops as the level 85? I was wondering because I have a lower level myth wizard that I wanted to get a coldfire dragon pet for, but I have no way of getting it except through hatching or through the tier 5 dungeon instance. If it is possible for my wizard to get it through a few battles, I'd much rather do that than hatch.
Colin GoldenStone, level 19 David DuneStrider, level 51 Allan IcePetal, level 38
Thanks for the responses. What if the Winterbane Hall dungeon is owned by the level 85 though? Would that result in the higher level drops for both the higher level wizard and the lower level wizard, or would both wizards still get the lower level drops?
Thanks for the responses. What if the Winterbane Hall dungeon is owned by the level 85 though? Would that result in the higher level drops for both the higher level wizard and the lower level wizard, or would both wizards still get the lower level drops?
The drops are determined by the lowest level entering the dungeon. I recently entered with two level 90 wizards and a level 49. All the drops were for level 50 or below. I did not receive anything for higher levels.
I did receive the cold fire dragon on the last battle, but since your wizard is lower level, it may not be a drop, but it would still be worth a try.
Thanks for the responses. What if the Winterbane Hall dungeon is owned by the level 85 though? Would that result in the higher level drops for both the higher level wizard and the lower level wizard, or would both wizards still get the lower level drops?
It doesn't matter what level you own the dungeon. It all depends on the level of the wizards who enter. I haven't tried Winterbane yet, but if it's like Pagoda, then the difficulty and rewards will be based on the lowest level of the person who enters.