I think it would be cool if there was a wizard 101 chess like and it has ranks and you choose the chess pieces from your spells like i am life so i would pick... king: centaur queen: dryad bishop: satyr knight: unicorn rook: that tree from natures wrath pawn: either imps or sprites
and the boards randomly chose from the 7 pip spells like a chess board on top or inside of bartleby or deep down in orthrus's cave with the full moon as your only light or in a corn field with the scare crow lingering around or up in space with power novas flying everywhere or on a broken piece of the dragonspyre floor with the dragon flying around or on a snowy mountain with the frost giant floating around and last but not least in the sky with storm lord flying through hurling lightning bolts I really it would cool
Cool idea! Here's what I think: WC: King: Merle Ambrose Queen: Lady Oriel Bishop: Gamma (on his little stand) Knight: Prospector Zeke (on his 1-day mount, lol) Rook: Harold Argleston/ Briskbreeze Tower Pawn: Wand, Little Wizards, Smiths, anything really.
KT: Ki:Krokenkahmen Q:Krokopatra B:Krokotep Kn: Shalek the Wise R: Sergeant Major Talbot/ Pyramid of the Sun P: Manders
MB: Ki: Sherlock Bones Q: Ticket Lady B: Watson Kn: Officer McRuff Rook: Big Ben Towers P: Golems, Cats, Rats, Dogs,