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Wizard101 Dungeons Drops.

Dec 04, 2009
I would like to address the fact that Wizard101 dungeons have ridiculously low drop rate for gear.
It is certainly not fair, and just waste your time repeating the same thing over and over again, just to see that you got absolutely nothing, like usual. The entire ''luck'' for gear dropping is broken in my opinion. There shouldn't be such thing in the first place. Once a wizard beats a dungeon, they should see a progress not just hoping they end up with something. And when the dungeon takes hours and hours, for example: Darkmoor, it is the worst feeling to just see that drop list, and see that you got nothing. The questing part of Wizard101 is best for me. Gaining experience as you defeat villains. However once you reach max level, there's not much to do, other than helping other people, or just wasting huge amount of times, in dungeons. I honestly think there should be a counter on how many times you defeat a dungeon. That way, you have a valid reason to farm that specific dungeon. Not to simply ''hope for the best'' and ''good luck with drops everyone'' Because I have considered quitting my entire Wizard101 account. The amount of money and time I spent on this game is just immense. I have a level 100 , level 100 and a level 82. I feel that I am experience enough to understand what I am saying, and not just ranting about the game. I hope to see very important changes about these reasons fast. I am certainly not the only person who feels this way. I don't want to make it seem like I hate this game, which I don't just certain elements I feel could be improved. Thank you for taking your time to read this topic, have a nice day!
-Justin SummerBlood, Justin NightPedal, Justin SkullHunter

Feb 07, 2011
wizardboy1234121 on Feb 23, 2015 wrote:
I would like to address the fact that Wizard101 dungeons have ridiculously low drop rate for gear.
It is certainly not fair, and just waste your time repeating the same thing over and over again, just to see that you got absolutely nothing, like usual. The entire ''luck'' for gear dropping is broken in my opinion. There shouldn't be such thing in the first place. Once a wizard beats a dungeon, they should see a progress not just hoping they end up with something. And when the dungeon takes hours and hours, for example: Darkmoor, it is the worst feeling to just see that drop list, and see that you got nothing. The questing part of Wizard101 is best for me. Gaining experience as you defeat villains. However once you reach max level, there's not much to do, other than helping other people, or just wasting huge amount of times, in dungeons. I honestly think there should be a counter on how many times you defeat a dungeon. That way, you have a valid reason to farm that specific dungeon. Not to simply ''hope for the best'' and ''good luck with drops everyone'' Because I have considered quitting my entire Wizard101 account. The amount of money and time I spent on this game is just immense. I have a level 100 , level 100 and a level 82. I feel that I am experience enough to understand what I am saying, and not just ranting about the game. I hope to see very important changes about these reasons fast. I am certainly not the only person who feels this way. I don't want to make it seem like I hate this game, which I don't just certain elements I feel could be improved. Thank you for taking your time to read this topic, have a nice day!
-Justin SummerBlood, Justin NightPedal, Justin SkullHunter
i agree~ this focus on lottery makes me a very sad wizard, and the biggest problem with these dungeons is that the time investment is not worth the reward. i get better drops when i feed the darkmoor/senator junk to my pets than i do for the dungeon itself.

i recently pulled 2 subscriptions that i've had for years; this account is crowns-only now, since i have 3 exalted wizards on it (and may return for special events like b.o.x.e.s., or trolling around in my favourite low/mid-level dungeons) and the other is no longer in use.

i think of this game like a commission-only sales job. they promise you all kinds of benefits and the chance to earn big (reward), but only if you pay them a small startup fee (membership or crowns) and commit to selling their product (farming). seems like a fair deal, amirite?


it seems great at first, so you try and try again, hoping for your big break. but, until then, you won't see even one cent of that paycheque, no matter how much time you put in. at this point, you are essentially working for free.

think about it logically:

kids under 13: would you agree to trade stickers/candy/your ipod with a friend, knowing that there was only a 3 percent chance you'd ever get it back?

high school/college students: would you spend 4+ years, not to mention thousands of dollars, in tuition fees if the odds of getting an education are only 3 percent?

adult players: what if your boss at a new job told you that 97 percent of their staff made 5 cents an hour, but there are a select lucky few who make 50 dollars an hour? would you stay at that job, just for a chance at a livable wage?

(if your answer is no, then you'll likely agree with me that 4+ hours is worth more than a rank 5 pet snack and some mist wood; if you answered yes to the above, then you should grow a spine and have some self-respect, because your time is worth more than that.)

-von "time is money, friends" shadowsong

May 09, 2010
I agree with you both 100%, and as usual, you make some good examples Von.

But as I have said, we do not have the right to criticize something unless we are prepared to offer solutions or alternatives to fix said problem.
There are just some ideas I tossed around:

After a certain amount of runs, players get their drop chance increased.

Drop rate statistics are increased overall

Dungeon gear is toned down to match crown shop/crafted/gear found in the open world.

No more dungeons

Different dungeon modes (easy/hard mode)

No gear from dungeons...solely optional side missions

And last but not least, tone down on the time it takes in the dungeons.

Some of these suggestions could be hard to meet, but as long as they are out there,the concept is relevant. Keep offering ideas and feedback to KI. The changes we desire have solutions and alternatives, we just have to find them, acknowledge them, and institute them.

Original poster; you are bringing up a topic that none of us haven't seen/brought up before. Yet I thank you for keeping the idea floating, for if no one acknowledges it........ nothing will change.

May 09, 2010
wizardboy1234121 on Feb 23, 2015 wrote:
I would like to address the fact that Wizard101 dungeons have ridiculously low drop rate for gear.
It is certainly not fair, and just waste your time repeating the same thing over and over again, just to see that you got absolutely nothing, like usual. The entire ''luck'' for gear dropping is broken in my opinion. There shouldn't be such thing in the first place. Once a wizard beats a dungeon, they should see a progress not just hoping they end up with something. And when the dungeon takes hours and hours, for example: Darkmoor, it is the worst feeling to just see that drop list, and see that you got nothing. The questing part of Wizard101 is best for me. Gaining experience as you defeat villains. However once you reach max level, there's not much to do, other than helping other people, or just wasting huge amount of times, in dungeons. I honestly think there should be a counter on how many times you defeat a dungeon. That way, you have a valid reason to farm that specific dungeon. Not to simply ''hope for the best'' and ''good luck with drops everyone'' Because I have considered quitting my entire Wizard101 account. The amount of money and time I spent on this game is just immense. I have a level 100 , level 100 and a level 82. I feel that I am experience enough to understand what I am saying, and not just ranting about the game. I hope to see very important changes about these reasons fast. I am certainly not the only person who feels this way. I don't want to make it seem like I hate this game, which I don't just certain elements I feel could be improved. Thank you for taking your time to read this topic, have a nice day!
-Justin SummerBlood, Justin NightPedal, Justin SkullHunter
Kudos to your mature and stead-fast post wizardboy1234121! I appreciate seeing posts that bring a problem to light, and are mature about the responses. Your ideology of still liking the game, yet claiming that it needs some tweaks very much pleases me. I thank you for this.

Sep 17, 2012
This again. Everyone wants rewards for nothing. The drop rates on the most recent gear has already increased immensely. Giving set rewards for everything makes for boring gaming. It means everyone has the exact same experience every time. That's not a recipe for entertainment in my book. Rarity is a necessary part of the equation. When everyone has the same spells and gear, it makes for no differentiation in play. Of course everyone wants the best gear available, but if everyone has it, it loses all it's value. Making it so everyone gets everything will kill the game.

Mar 27, 2011
They seem to be improving that. The drop rate for good Mali gear is a lot better than Hades or Morganthe items.

Adding a token system would be good though. That way even if you had really bad luck with drops there would be a backup reward for doing X runs. Like after completing 20 runs of Graveyard you got to pick one bonus item from the drop table.

Mar 26, 2011
Dr Von on Feb 26, 2015 wrote:
i agree~ this focus on lottery makes me a very sad wizard, and the biggest problem with these dungeons is that the time investment is not worth the reward. i get better drops when i feed the darkmoor/senator junk to my pets than i do for the dungeon itself.

i recently pulled 2 subscriptions that i've had for years; this account is crowns-only now, since i have 3 exalted wizards on it (and may return for special events like b.o.x.e.s., or trolling around in my favourite low/mid-level dungeons) and the other is no longer in use.

i think of this game like a commission-only sales job. they promise you all kinds of benefits and the chance to earn big (reward), but only if you pay them a small startup fee (membership or crowns) and commit to selling their product (farming). seems like a fair deal, amirite?


it seems great at first, so you try and try again, hoping for your big break. but, until then, you won't see even one cent of that paycheque, no matter how much time you put in. at this point, you are essentially working for free.

think about it logically:

kids under 13: would you agree to trade stickers/candy/your ipod with a friend, knowing that there was only a 3 percent chance you'd ever get it back?

high school/college students: would you spend 4+ years, not to mention thousands of dollars, in tuition fees if the odds of getting an education are only 3 percent?

adult players: what if your boss at a new job told you that 97 percent of their staff made 5 cents an hour, but there are a select lucky few who make 50 dollars an hour? would you stay at that job, just for a chance at a livable wage?

(if your answer is no, then you'll likely agree with me that 4+ hours is worth more than a rank 5 pet snack and some mist wood; if you answered yes to the above, then you should grow a spine and have some self-respect, because your time is worth more than that.)

-von "time is money, friends" shadowsong
Your post was taken past the measurements drawn, this isn't a situation that you should blow out of proportion. Yet again as many people on the boards say this is a GAME you're NOT forced to play it. If you have issues, with things like "drop rates" then I suggest you don't play mmos.

May 09, 2010
seethe42 on Feb 26, 2015 wrote:
This again. Everyone wants rewards for nothing. The drop rates on the most recent gear has already increased immensely. Giving set rewards for everything makes for boring gaming. It means everyone has the exact same experience every time. That's not a recipe for entertainment in my book. Rarity is a necessary part of the equation. When everyone has the same spells and gear, it makes for no differentiation in play. Of course everyone wants the best gear available, but if everyone has it, it loses all it's value. Making it so everyone gets everything will kill the game.
This.....sparked something in my head, and although nothing I haven't heard before....makes me see things in a different light.

Your points are very good, and make sense. Diversity and variety can make or break a game. I'm not an anti-dungeon activist like very certain MB users, but there are flaws we need to acknowledge before any progress of any kind is made.

If players have to sacrifice long hours of potential productivity......in an attempt to snag a chance at a piece of gear that has a slight statistics upgrade, it begs the question: Is that really the way to do it? To me, the drop rates don't exactly irritate, but the time it takes. There have been plenty of times where I would go into the Darkmoor dungeon and not see moon above the Darkmoor sky for another 4 hours. To me, for the chance of something so small, I start to question weather or not it is worth it to spend that much time in a dungeon, especially for a chance at a piece of gear that is only slightly different from the one I already have.

There are problems some people see that others do not, but it is important that we realize if we wish to solve any of them, we need to be united in our efforts and to not waste our potential.