BEST GAME YET :D! i love the game still and i even enjoyed your special events! Great work on the award and also, cant wait to see your next big special event!
well done to the team who made Wizard 101 and I'm glad that wizard 101 one the prize it's a really really great game well done for making it because it is a brilliant game 10 out of 10 keep up the good work :D [/quote
Wizard101 rules i will play this game until i die! :P
Congrats! I LOVE this game! Thumbs way up to all the fantastic people who work so hard to create and update this amazing game! :D May you win many more awards in the years to come! I will keep voting!
My mom and i are BIG fans of wizard101 we always play. Me on my Fire wizard and my mom on her death wizard. she has an ice wizard, but she rather foucs in her death(because her ice is level 50), when we found out about this award we just had to cheer out loud,(thank goodness my dad wasnt home lol) so from me my mom and our 2 wizards Eric SpiritShield And Emma SummerHeart CONGRATULATIONS!!!! :) :-) :D ;)
Eric SpiritShield lvl46 pyromancer Emma SummerHeart lvl 41 necromancer
I new the first time i saw this game i was going to be optomistic about it. As soon as i started playing this wonderful game of adventure and eximent,my family started playing. So i just new that wizard101 was going to win somthing like this. CONGRATULATIONS on this wonderful game. I, and my family love this game. Thank you for making it. and surprize us one whats coming for use in celestia. Make it spectacular.
please put the "BEST FAMILY GAME" in CAPS and UNDERLINE FAMILY! I amd a grand mom and my 6 yr old grand son plays with me, and by the by, the pet inovations have brought him back to wiz101 and off the wii (star wars games lol) he LOVES the pet training, I win the pets and snacks and he trains the pets lol. We do many things together and this past year the game has offered us even more to share together THANK YOU KI people
lol now maybe some kids will stop saying 'why are you playing a kids game' when they ask how old i am and i reply either 'an adult' or a 'grand mom' LOL, i tell them, oh? I though this was a FAMILY game ! lol
i have almost all 12 wizards finished, cant wait for celestia a cause i cant afford a third account LOL
Ya know, I think you guys deserve GOLD! :D There a couple MMO companies that can learn a thing or two from you guys. Thank you for all the long nights, even longer days and love you all put in to make this a great game for kids and parents alike! And a most deserved congrats on your win.
This game is o awesome.. My whole family plays it together. But I just wanted to know if you guys will be raising the level cap? Before we all finished Celestia we where capped out. Just wondering? Thanks keep up the good work.. Merry Christmas to all...