Alright so what is everyone's favorite level 88 spell and what level 88 spell do you think is underpowered and needs to be changed or is simply bad.
I would have to say my favorites are: lord of winter because of the sound effects during the up close of it's face make it all sinister. I also like storm owl because of it's cry and last but not least spinysaur, the opening animation is very good and it simply shows life's strength (although gnomes! did that too). also I take it to offense when people say life's and death's level 88 spells are to close and are the same thing. Now I will agree on the attacking part as they both shoot spines at their opponent(although the spinysaur are more visible and are much wider.), however the spinysaur is clearly better than the avenging fossil in animation.
I think that Lord of Winter is overpowered, and it should have less damage. Also, I think Sabretooth is underpowered, maybe a 15% Curse on all enemies would be more appropriate for a balance spell.