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Would Training point buyback be worth it?

Sep 22, 2013
I am a prodigious death wizard. When I was a lower level, I decided it was a good idea to waste the majority of my training points on life spells. I regret that choice. I believe it's 10 training points that I wasted on life spells. At the moment, I have all of the spells I really want, but I currently only have 1 training point. I was going to buy back my training points, and end up not spending any on life spells, so I would have quite a few if I needed them. But, the cost is 8,400 crowns... Is spending that amount worth getting back what I've lost, or not?
Also, does anyone know approximately how long it would/could be until the next free training point buyback day(s)?


Jun 04, 2014

If KingsIsle follows the member special event patterns of the past years, there is supposed to be a free members training point buyback event coming up sometime in March. So I suggest you login every day or monitor these boards for when it will be announced. It will probably be in 2nd or 3rd week in March based on past patterns.

Sep 22, 2013
CUTEHORSEY on Mar 4, 2016 wrote:

If KingsIsle follows the member special event patterns of the past years, there is supposed to be a free members training point buyback event coming up sometime in March. So I suggest you login every day or monitor these boards for when it will be announced. It will probably be in 2nd or 3rd week in March based on past patterns.