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Wrong Pet. Prepaid Card?

Dec 28, 2008
I purchased a Target $20 gift card and this card gives a Polar Cat that gives Dragon Blade, but instead I received a Glacier Cat that gives Frost Beetle. Help?

Aug 18, 2011
I'm not sure about that card, but many of them give different pets depending when you redeem them.

I'd be happy to hatch a Polar cat with you. You can message me on 101Central to set that up. I have the same screen name there.

Sep 17, 2012
361hyphee00 on May 31, 2015 wrote:
I purchased a Target $20 gift card and this card gives a Polar Cat that gives Dragon Blade, but instead I received a Glacier Cat that gives Frost Beetle. Help?
The pets on those cards change from month to month depending on when you redeem them. They aren't set. You can try contacting support, but as far as I know the pets on the $20 cards just rotate monthly cycling through like 5-6 slightly different pets.

361hyphee00 on May 31, 2015 wrote:
I purchased a Target $20 gift card and this card gives a Polar Cat that gives Dragon Blade, but instead I received a Glacier Cat that gives Frost Beetle. Help?

I'm sorry for the confusion. Please send an email to support@wizard101.com so they can assist you with this issue.
