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You as a Boss!

Mar 18, 2011
Here you can post about how YOU would be if you were a boss! You can make yourself as powerful or as weak as you want! You can be as specific as you want! It doesn't even have to be you! The main point here is to BE CREATIVE!


Name: Luke Battlesword
Rank: 17 Life Boss
Minions: 3 Forest Sprites (identical to the first life wizard minion)
Health: 100,000
Starting Pips: 7 Power Pips + 2 Shadow Pips
Shadow Pip Storage: 3
Universal Resist: 50%
Life Resist: 75%
Death Resist: 100% IMMUNE
Universal Critical: 80%
Life Critical: 90%
Death Critical: 85%
Universal Block: 90% chance to block
Life Block: 100% chance to block
Death Block: 95% chance to block

Dialog: When you enter the tower, Headmaster Ambrose tells you "Be careful young wizard! This boss is impossible to take on yourself! It is recomended
you take 2 to 3 other wizards with you!"

At the start of the battle he casts a 100% regeneration Guardian Spirit (instant full health after defeat) that is unaffected by any buffs/debuffs.

Any form of healing triggers the text "You call that healing?!?!", and he casts a 975 Rebirth with 600 Spirit Shields.

Every time one of his minions is defeated, it triggers the text "I will avenge you...", and he casts a Forest Sprite.

When you hit him with Death damage he says "I have trained with Death Wizards before! They have no effect on me!".

If you steal his 10 million Spirit Shield, he will say "Nice try!", break your Spirit Shield, cast a new one for himself, restart the Guardian Spirit countdown, and deal 10-90% (depending on how many rounds were left in the countdown) of the wizard who stole it's total health.

After he loses all his health and regenerates back to full health, he instantly casts a 10,000,000 Spirit Shield (impossible to break even if 4 players and their pets deal the max damage (1,000,000) each) that lasts for 9? rounds, after which it breaks.
1 round after his 10 million spirit shield breaks, he casts another 100% regeneration Guardian Spirit leaving a 1 round gap for where he can be defeated.

This boss makes Exalted Malistare the Undying go to his room and think about what he has done.

Have fun!

: : Luke Battlesword : Level 72 : :

Mar 12, 2013
I'd often wondered what it might be like to join a queue to randomly "take control" of a boss in the Spiral and watch what happens.

You would be battling real wizards who are fighting that boss to complete a quest, farm an item, or help a neighbor.

"I've run House of Scales 845632 times and never EVER seen ammit do that! Just as I was about to hit, all my blades and traps - gone! She ate my feints as if on cue. She virulent plagued, like, every other turn. She stacked blades like a pro. It took us a half hour just to get rid of the minions!"

"I've got to say, the last time we were in Big Ben, something terrible happened. I usually have everyone spam an AOE and kill all the guys at once. Well, Meowiarty stunned us all first round, and then agony wraith applied plague after plague, some of them were stacking! It took us 5 rounds just to have one person get rid of the plagues and by then Meowiarty had a minotaur minion out feeding him blades and tower shields. The life clockwork guy kept healing the correct guy all the time! I think he used an Aftershock in there too...cannot tell since he was stealing pips from his minions. Never farming there again! :( "

"That has to be the worst Koto run I've ever had. Stun, stun, tower, volcanic, summon ice minion, arcticzilla, tower, stun. I fled in disgust when he put up a 45% balefrost."

Loremaster, anyone?

Dec 31, 2014
Name: Lost Soul

Rank: Rank 1 Boss
Minions: Three Cyrus Drakes
Health: 55
Starting Pips: 7 Power Pips and 4 Shadow Pips
Shadow Pip Storage: 4
Universal Resist: 200% (must be pierced)
Universal Critical: 100%
Universal Block: 100%
Location: Unicorn Way (found roaming with normal Lost Souls)

  • Casts a natural attack dealing 1,000,000 damage to all wizards below level 40 at the beginning of every round.
  • Sacrifices all minions that are not Cyrus Drakes for 7 power pips, 4 shadow pips, and 1,000,000 at the beginning of every round.
  • Summons three Cyrus Drake minions at the start of every round.
  • Knows every single spell in existence, including unreleased ones from future worlds like Empyrea.

Absolutely nothing!

Jun 29, 2011
This boss would be the ultimate battle. Malistaire the undying would be an insect to him. Only the most powerful, brightest, and most skilled wizards would survive a match against the tyranny of the Shadow Lord.

Name: Aaron Death
Title: Shadow Lord

Rank: 1000
Species: Shadow Demon (New species, baby! ;D)
Health: 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (Overpowered, I know, but hey, you never said no OP characters! ;D)
Mana: 1,000,000,000
Minions: Vampires with Malistaire the Undying's stats.
Starts at 7 power pips, seven shadow pips, AND 7 regular pips.
Universal resist- 100,000 along with the countless OP tower shields that spawn on him every round. (See 3rd cheat below.)


1. As long as he is alive, you will get a reduce accuracy 100% every round. He's also immune to every school but light magic, which doesn't even exist in the game.

2. The minions respawn and/ or gain 100,000 health each time you fizzle.

3. Tower shields with 500% resist spawn on the boss every round.

4. All of your shields are removed every 5 rounds.

5. A meteor strike that does 1000 damage hits every 10 rounds or after you go a single round without hitting.

Drops- Outfits that are similar to the unique items found in waterworks, but 100 times better. The critical, pierce, shadow pip chance, power pip chance, critical block, and health bonus is off the charts. These clothes have everything a wizard needs in every battle.

Dec 31, 2014
Aaron FireEyes on Dec 17, 2015 wrote:
This boss would be the ultimate battle. Malistaire the undying would be an insect to him. Only the most powerful, brightest, and most skilled wizards would survive a match against the tyranny of the Shadow Lord.

Name: Aaron Death
Title: Shadow Lord

Rank: 1000
Species: Shadow Demon (New species, baby! ;D)
Health: 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (Overpowered, I know, but hey, you never said no OP characters! ;D)
Mana: 1,000,000,000
Minions: Vampires with Malistaire the Undying's stats.
Starts at 7 power pips, seven shadow pips, AND 7 regular pips.
Universal resist- 100,000 along with the countless OP tower shields that spawn on him every round. (See 3rd cheat below.)


1. As long as he is alive, you will get a reduce accuracy 100% every round. He's also immune to every school but light magic, which doesn't even exist in the game.

2. The minions respawn and/ or gain 100,000 health each time you fizzle.

3. Tower shields with 500% resist spawn on the boss every round.

4. All of your shields are removed every 5 rounds.

5. A meteor strike that does 1000 damage hits every 10 rounds or after you go a single round without hitting.

Drops- Outfits that are similar to the unique items found in waterworks, but 100 times better. The critical, pierce, shadow pip chance, power pip chance, critical block, and health bonus is off the charts. These clothes have everything a wizard needs in every battle.
Light Magic actually exists in the game, they are the seven primary schools; , , , , , , and .

Jun 29, 2011
George Washington on Dec 17, 2015 wrote:
Light Magic actually exists in the game, they are the seven primary schools; , , , , , , and .
I don't view it that way. Fire, ice, death, and myth don't seem appropriate for light magic. Storm and life magic, possibly, but even that seems strange... IDK! I could be wrong, though.

Feb 03, 2010
Name: Snowman Lord
(Is evil snowman model, but enlarged to be like the yetis.)
Health: 45,750
Cheats: Casts a -50 weakness on a random wizard each round, In the second round, he says "Alright, here's the deal.." then stuns all wizards, In the 4th round, he says "I don't want to fight you whatsoever." Then casts a myth spell with 0% accuracy so it always fizzles, In the 10th round, He says "But, y'know what? I'm over it." Then casts a hit all wooly mammoth. Starting from the 11th round, he will:
Upgrade the weakness he casts every round from -50 to -75, Casts sprite on himself every round, summons 3 snowmen and replaces them whenever they die, and places absorb for 1000 damage on all of them.

Snowman Minion:
Ice, has 7500 health, can only cast blizzard and nothing else.

I actually made mine fair, albeit a little tough.

May 07, 2015
name: miranda jade song


health:80.000 2th health 40.000

cheats:if an ice spell is casted she will say:ice? ha! ice dose not work on me! and uses a 2000 damage fire dragon if a fire spell is casted she will say:???
and cast any spell BUT the spell dont madder any of them are a AOE spell with 50% more damage than the real one when she dies she says: i will call upon shadow! then revives with 40.000 health even if mailstaire dies
found: always a minion to normal mailstaire in dragon spyre
at death: what happened? all i know is a voice said if you join shadow you will be rewarded..... ow i need some tea.....well bye now!

fair but tough right

May 12, 2012
Hmm okay... I have always wanted a easy boss to farm that gives good drops, so here we go.

Name: Windy Medusa
Location: Below Polaris icy water
Rank: 6 Myth
Minions: None
Health: 2000
Starting Pips: 5 Power Pip, Occasionally 4 Power & 1 Regular
Power Pip Chance: 80 %
Universal Resist: 5%
Myth Resist: 70%
Storm Boost: 30%
Universal Critical: 10%
Universal Block: 10%

Windy Medusa says when you enter "The winds will take control!'

No Cheats

Drops: Every item in Crown Shop
55-100 gold per fight

Sep 08, 2015
Most of these are A BIT overboard, but i'll try something else.

NAME :Scythe Demonite
SCHOOL/RANK : rank 6 .
HEALTH : 100,000.
LEVEL REQUIRED : Bellow lvl 60 (to prevent this boss from being "easy").
SPELLS : All death, ice and balance.
LOCATION : Grizzleheim. (just for fun, hidden).
MINIONS : A demon-like creature, with 5000 health, healing spells and never-ending tower shields.
RESISTANCE : Everything -25%, TO FIRE : -50%.
BOOSTS : Ice +20%.


When gets to half health, says: "You're strong. I respect your power." Then casts an aura on all opponents with incoming damage -50% and rebirth (okay, that's a cheat for the wizards, but hey, that's still a cheat!).
When gets to 25,000 health, the minion (if dead) says: "This is ridiculous!" Then revives with three copies of himself, 100 health.
When gets to 10,000 health, says :"I am not defeated yet!" Then casts a woolly mamoth on everybody with stun for 2 rounds.
When defeated, says : " I have been defeated. You truly are the master of all." And lets you choose five to fifteen items from the crown shop. Sweet, isn't it?

Nothing. I'm working on GH right now, but when i complete it, i'll make sure the quest isn't for 60+. That's all, folks!

Fiona Dreamer lvl 41 Thaumaturge Grizzlie Lover!

Jul 03, 2011
Name: The Lost immortal
Rank: 13 Death Boss
Minions: None
Health: 15,000

Starting Pips: 2 Power Pips

Power Pip Chance: 100%
Universal Resist: 10%
Life Resist: 20%

Myth Resist: 20%

Death Resist: 50%
Universal Critical: 50%
Life Critical: 50%

Myth Critical: 50%
Death Critical: 100%
Universal Block: 100% chance to block
Life Block: 100% chance to block
Death Block: 100% chance to block

Dialog: "Such is life..."

For every Weakness that is casted on him, he casts the same weakness on them, but instead their school as the weakness. "Heh"
Weaknesses like tower shield are stolen. Quote: "Like sweets"
When a wizard uses a heal, the boss uses a drain spell. Quote: "Two Birds with one stone"
Favourite Spells:
Chuthulu (idk how you spell it and only if there are more than 2 wizards)

Bad Juju
Bone Dragon
Von's monster

Feb 07, 2011
oh, this sounds fun~ i'll bite!

quest name: spellbound
(inspired by the horrible fan-fic of the same name)

boss: (von) shadowsong
rank: 20 , with mastery
health: 17,500
minions: none, but malistaire the undying is with her (and she's clearly under his influence).

starting pips: 5 power pips
pp chance: 100%
resist: 75% to , 50% to all others.
crit/block: 75%/90%

dialogue: "if it's me you want, let them go~ wizards, arm yourselves; i'll do what i can to help."



every 5 rounds, malistaire casts beguile and gives her a 100% blade; she then casts a 0-pip death version of power nova (975 and -45% to all enemies).

"fall upon the blade of justice"~ if malistaire buffs himself, she casts bad juju on him and dark pact on herself, giving a 50% balanceblade to one random wizard on your team.

with the exception of her death nova, any aoe she casts hits everyone in the ring, including malistaire. if she does this, he says, "foolish child, you'll pay for that" and casts a sacrifice that takes 10% of her remaining health.

if a wizard is defeated, she says, "i've failed you, friend"~ she then feints herself and casts a 0-pip sacrifice on the wizard with the lowest health.

killing malistaire wins the battle; if you kill shadowsong before malistaire dies, he'll use a death version of guardian spirit to bring her back at 50% health... she'll be mad at you for killing her, and the above cheats are reversed (so that she buffs him instead).

if malistaire dies first, she'll transform back into an ordinary wizard and you can defeat her as you would any other boss.

end dialogue: "thank you, young wizard~ now that i feel myself again, i'd like to give you a little something to remember me by; use it wisely."

quest reward:
shadow nova spell card.


that was more fun than it should have been, lol.
love the ones i've read so far~ can't wait to see more!


Aug 16, 2011
Name: Digby and Mark

Health: 50,000 for Digby and 30,000 for Mark

School: Ice Digby and Mark storm

Cheats: Mark: Levi got your tongue? If you don't attach Mark every round he casts Leviathan.

Shocking!: If you do 10,000 damage to Mark he casts insane bolt on you.

Electricity grounded..... : When you kill Mark he casts Glowbug Squall.

Digby: Hey lay off him you git! : If you attack Mark for more than 2,000 He casts Snow angel.

This will put you on ice! : If you feint or tower shield he casts abonible *spelling* weaver.

Watch the fro dude! : (Digby has a afro) If you attack him with 5,000 or more he casts freeze.

That's my two cents anyway...


Dec 10, 2008
Since I personally don't like "cheats", I'd have only a few. I'd be a boss with just raw power.

Rank: 16 Boss
Health: 30,000
Universal Resist: 75% all schools
Damage Boost: 110% to Death
Starting Pips: 12 and 2 Shadow
Pierce: 65%
Critical rating: 550
Block Rating: 550



(Death Medusa does 790 Damage, Stuns for 1 round, and adds a -75% Bad Juju to the enemy.)

*Boss uses these enhanced spells*

Uses own unique spell called Headless Horseman in place of Call of Khrulhu.
(Headless Horseman does 1200 to all enemies, converts 65% to health. Costs 4 Shadow Pips.

**Uses enhanced Deer Knight that does 650 to all enemies and 780 over 3 rounds.

**Uses enchanced Lord of Night that does 890 and puts a -70% Heal charm on enemy.

**Uses an Enhanced Skeletal Dragon that does 1300 flat damage.

**Uses an Enhanced Scarecrow that does 750 to all and 75% back to health, and adds a -20% plague to all.

**Uses enhanced Vampire that does 700 to all enemies and has a natural 30% Pierce.