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you halfway did it :T

Jul 26, 2015
i appreciate all the hard work Kingsisle does to make their games the best and i like that. but when i asked for the Hallowe'en costume (the whole thing) you guys put up the baconator costume. thank you for at least putting one Halloween costume up but i would like you guys to put up the hallowe'en costume or just the hat which is the only thing i need. if you guys could just put the halowe'en hat in the crown shop that would be great. thank you for all you do :D.

sincerely, Blaze Storm Hammer lvl 57 wizard


You are going to have to wait until the next time the Halloween event comes to game in October to get the Halloween items.

And please review the Message Board code of conduct. It is against the rules to make duplicate posts about the same subject. If you continue to post the same request repeatedly it will be rejected.


Jul 26, 2015
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww well thank you and sorry it just that for a while you guys were not letting me post my stuff i didn't know it was for that reason

Jul 26, 2015
wait, then i'm confused? then why did you guys put in the baconator Halloween costume if your supposed to wait until Halloween comes around

elijah24682468 on Jan 22, 2016 wrote:
wait, then i'm confused? then why did you guys put in the baconator Halloween costume if your supposed to wait until Halloween comes around
That is not a seasonal item. It is available year round.

Jul 26, 2015
are you sure? Because i watch blaze life hammer (famous youtuber for this game) and when he looked at spooky bob's spookywear (may not have the exact same name) he sold all three parts of the ninja pig costume

Jul 26, 2015
well could you guys at least put it in the crown shop. and if you can't do that you guys have done Christmas in July before why not Halloween in January or February

Jun 13, 2012
elijah24682468 on Jan 23, 2016 wrote:
are you sure? Because i watch blaze life hammer (famous youtuber for this game) and when he looked at spooky bob's spookywear (may not have the exact same name) he sold all three parts of the ninja pig costume
The Baconator costume has stats, as the Ninja Pig Costume does not. Think about it like how Eloise Merryweather has stat-less clothing and the Shopping District/Bazaar actually does have stats on their clothing.

Jul 26, 2015
Miranda Dreamsong on Jan 24, 2016 wrote:
The Baconator costume has stats, as the Ninja Pig Costume does not. Think about it like how Eloise Merryweather has stat-less clothing and the Shopping District/Bazaar actually does have stats on their clothing.
you have a point there but both outfits look exactly the same