As I was looking into my various houses today, I noticed that each of them has the max number of allotted pets.
Now I know that these pets only exist as ones and zeroes on the servers at KI but I just CANNOT bring myself to get rid of them.
Has anyone thought about adding a Wizard City Humane Society? The Humane Society would be similar to the Bazaar but for pets only. If I had 14 hatches of a Corgi, trying to get one with just the right Energy talents, I could take the other 13 to the Humane Society where other wizards could adopt them for either gold or crowns.
This way, I (and other young wizards) wouldn't have to live with the trauma of putting a hatched pet down (ie deleting it).
I also struggle with this. I don't think the pet maximum in houses make sense, and it just feels so WRONG to delete a pet. I don't expect them to allow pets to be transferred between accounts, just because of how quickly that could get complicated with people bartering real money to have someone train a pet for them. KI definitely needs to do a rework of how pets function (like a "stitching" for pets, a long-desired thing), especially with the Play as your Pet update. But trust me, I have around 40 pets in the bank for all 7 of my characters. This is a struggle you aren't alone in.
Signed, someone with sixteen Kookaburras, twenty-four Frankenbunnies, and THIRTY-SIX Polar Bear Cubs.
A pet adoption place would be great, especially if placed in the Pet Pavilion. This is a problem brought on by KI, but let me be clear, I do NOT think it was malicious in any way, shape, or form. The only way to better a pet is to breed it, and like actual animal breeding, there will be less desirable results. Even though these are nothing more than 1s and 0s, people want to try to keep even the "failures". Because the game relies so heavily on RNG, there will be tons of failures for that one "perfect pet". So what do we do with the leftovers? Currently, we have 2 options: trash them, or house them. If we house them, there is a limit of 50 per "zone" (outside and inside of houses) or eat up all of our bank/shared bank space. The issue is storage, and as this thread suggests, in the current game, what do we do with these rejects? If you use the "one man's trash is another man's treasure" (not that Im calling these cyber pets trash mind you), let my failure be somebody else's success.
Now, one problem that I have is this. What is to stop account 1 from training an ideal pet for account 2, then adopting it out? The wonderful desire to not trash pets becomes a way for real world $ training. One way to combat that would be to reset the talents once adopted so the new account would HAVE to train it. The talents that were there at hatching would remain, but there would be a chance that the new owner could not get the exact same talents as the original owner. This would eliminate that because now the pet would have to be trained again, and their talents would be completely randomized.
A second issue is we should be able to lock the pet we want. So, if I'm training a "fire whirleybird" with a "monsoon eagle" (both breeds chosen for example purposes), I can guarantee I get the "whirleybird" back, thus minimizing excessive pets and helping eliminating the problem in the first place. Now, I would set it so you have to own the pet you want back in order to lock it. Perhaps this function would cost 50% of the current cost of hatching the pet out, so it has a cost, but not one outrageous. So, in this example, maybe it costs 50k gold to hatch the two, so then it would cost 75k to hatch the two and get the specific pet I want back. Obviously lower level accounts would find this option not possible until they really got going, but still.
I have also been hardcore vocal about KI giving us a REAL home for our pets, in a pet zoo. This would be a "house" that ALL of our wizards (on the same account) could access, where we could store various pets. We could have a "house" like the Arcanum which has like 30 doorways (as an example), each leading to their own room. In each room, we could hold 50 pets (the current "pet zone limit"). This would allow us to store 1,500 pets in one place, observe the 50 pet limit per "zone", yet give us a place to put them. This should be FREE, as a basic function of the account itself although I am fine if you make it tied to monthly/crown subscription. As soon as you can train a pet, according to the game's preset level (7 is it?), we should gain access/entry to the "account zoo".