I had previously mentioned this in another post, but have a better idea for it. I would like to have a HUGE chemistry set (to be used like furniture) that looks really cool, but also has a real purpose. I'd like for this item to be kind of like the item givers in some of our other homes, e.g. - like the fish bowl, the cauldron in the Battle Mage Keep, or the coffin in Darkmoor Manor. However, rather than just giving useful items, I'd like for it to be able to grant us spells that other creatures in the game have (not currently one we can learn) to have a chance at collecting those spells. Though, it needs to be very rare that they'll drop, there should be a chance to have most of the spells in the game. You would only be allowed to use the set once, daily, for a chance to collect the spells, or, it may just give you some/a mega pet snack, and something else really useful, like some of the things in the crowns event. Perhaps you'd even have to have the right reagents to be able to use the chemistry set. Just food for thought, what do you all think?