I have played the game on and off for many, many years now and I noticed that, despite the recent graphic overhaul of Wizard101, some graphic problems have persisted and were never fixed. Specifically, I am talking about the graphic quality of the furniture in the game. I'm sure I can't be the only one to be bugged by this! Here are some of the things I mean:
Brightness and Saturation: Some furniture objects are too dark and desaturated to a point where you can't tell their intended color. On the other hand, some others are glaringly bright. Both stick out like a sore thumb if you use them to decorate your home. It is especially noticable when the brightness and saturation differs within the same furniture set! (See Carved Armoire vs. Carved Endtable)
Examples too dark:Stitched Rug, Apple Basket, Turkey Platter, Carved Armoire (vs. Carved Endtable with normal brightness), Milk Carton, Stack of Five Books (compared to Stack of Four Books and other book items in the game that have normal brightness), Potted Cattail (compared to Tall Dragon Vase with normal brightness)
Examples too bright: Crystal Ball, Round of Cheese, Pumpkin (compare to Tall Pumpkin or Fat Pumpkin), Sundae, Tall Sundae, Pie, Anvil, Small Wheelbarrow
Blury or pixelated textures: Some textures of older furniture objects are lower quality than newer furniture. They look fine in the preview until your purchase and place then, when you notice that they are blurry or pixelated.
Examples blurry textures: Grey Silk Kimono, Dark Green Silk Kimono, Armor Crafting Station (specifically: some clothing items on the Armor Crafting Station), Magenta Decorative Wall Fan, Green Decorative Wall Fan
Examples pixelated textures: Fish Drying Rack
Low poly or flat look: Some round objects in the game are not exactly round. While it looks fine most of the time (like a design choice), it is very noticable in some items. Yet other objects look flat and two dimensional, as though the objects in them were painted on - they don't look convincingly like furniture. I only mention this because it is fine in most pieces, so it becomes especially noticable in them.
Example angulary look: Painted Bowl, Royal Krokotopian Bowl (along with other similar items from earlier worlds)
Example flat "painted on" look: Celestian Bookshelf (specifically: the books inside the shelf), Yellow Foodcart, Green Foodcart (specifically: the fruit in the carts), Bowl of Dates, Bowl of Tomatoes (specifically: the fruit in the bowls)
These are the issues I noticed with furniture objects that have persisted throughout the years of Wizard101. While I am aware that the textures are in accordance with the game's age, and that is fine, I do believe that setting an overall standard of brightness and saturation for all furniture items would be a good idea. I think it would greatly increase the usability of those items as far as the decoration of player homes goes.
Any chance this could be looked into by the game developers?
I agree with everything you said here, especially your examples for brightness/saturation. In fact, there's a pinned thread at the top of The Dorms here, and you might want to make this post again under that thread. I think Spark is watching it, so your notes might finally get to the right set of eyeballs.