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Change beguile back to the way it was

Aug 21, 2012
The title says it all. This is absurd. Kingsisle, you've now made it possible to a player to spam beguile from first OR second. Beguile shouldn't even be allowed in pvp in the first place and now you guys have made it even more overpowered, rendering a hitter from a team completely useless until they don't get beguiled. I wish you guys actually DID PvP in your own game instead of changing it without knowing what's happening. STOP altering the BIGGEST thing about your game when you have no idea what's going on.

Sep 30, 2018
Isaac Frost on May 17, 2019 wrote:
The title says it all. This is absurd. Kingsisle, you've now made it possible to a player to spam beguile from first OR second. Beguile shouldn't even be allowed in pvp in the first place and now you guys have made it even more overpowered, rendering a hitter from a team completely useless until they don't get beguiled. I wish you guys actually DID PvP in your own game instead of changing it without knowing what's happening. STOP altering the BIGGEST thing about your game when you have no idea what's going on.
I'm gonna have to disagree with this. Beguile is a neutral spell that cost 3 pips and doesn't fully work how its suppose to work. The card clearly states targets "HELPS" you for one turn. Forcing them to stall or shield is not necessarily helping you. The only time this card is effective is going first which forces one player when using an area of effect spell to backfire on their own team. This is generally useless from second and your better off spamming mass weakness or mantle.

Aug 21, 2012
angellifeheart on May 17, 2019 wrote:
I'm gonna have to disagree with this. Beguile is a neutral spell that cost 3 pips and doesn't fully work how its suppose to work. The card clearly states targets "HELPS" you for one turn. Forcing them to stall or shield is not necessarily helping you. The only time this card is effective is going first which forces one player when using an area of effect spell to backfire on their own team. This is generally useless from second and your better off spamming mass weakness or mantle.
If you didn't know, they just recently changed beguile without saying anything. Now, from second, they beguiled person either has to know that they're being beguiled, so they have to pass, or else they hit their team. If the beguiled person passes, they're first now but cannot hit the enemy team at all or target them, any AOE ends up hitting their own team. This has been tested and it's the worst thing Kingsisle has done. Literally for 3 pips, a death can completely prevent a hitter from hitting in a 4v4 all match until they don't get beguiled.

Jun 28, 2013
I had done a 3v3 tourney a few days back and literally everyone just spam beguile please it need to bnerf since once you beguile a opponent from first the second hitter if used a aoe attack spell hit the team, along with being begiule for another turn, and there is a certain new way of winning on toruney by default Just by healing and shield in the same tourney that i did i faced 3 jades and all they did was heal and shield and we couldn't do anything since they usee shadow sentinel and even tons of shield and casted enfeeble on opponents hitter, they won by default every match and they used their opponent hitter to take their own team out by using beguile. Begiule needs to be nerf. Please improve the arena

Sep 30, 2018
Isaac Frost on May 19, 2019 wrote:
If you didn't know, they just recently changed beguile without saying anything. Now, from second, they beguiled person either has to know that they're being beguiled, so they have to pass, or else they hit their team. If the beguiled person passes, they're first now but cannot hit the enemy team at all or target them, any AOE ends up hitting their own team. This has been tested and it's the worst thing Kingsisle has done. Literally for 3 pips, a death can completely prevent a hitter from hitting in a 4v4 all match until they don't get beguiled.
I think your confusing yourself I stated that who ever goes first and uses beguile on anyone going second that is about to use an aoe such as a storm or fire then beguile is working as its intended however it does not affect anyone using single target abilities the same round during the buigle. What makes it useless is when its used from second.

Sep 30, 2018
ChrisStormFire on May 24, 2019 wrote:
I had done a 3v3 tourney a few days back and literally everyone just spam beguile please it need to bnerf since once you beguile a opponent from first the second hitter if used a aoe attack spell hit the team, along with being begiule for another turn, and there is a certain new way of winning on toruney by default Just by healing and shield in the same tourney that i did i faced 3 jades and all they did was heal and shield and we couldn't do anything since they usee shadow sentinel and even tons of shield and casted enfeeble on opponents hitter, they won by default every match and they used their opponent hitter to take their own team out by using beguile. Begiule needs to be nerf. Please improve the arena
This is called a strategy and just because we all don't agree with said strategy doesn't necessarily mean it deserves Nerf. The only counter to jade right now is shrike that about it. I do agree jade ruin pvp since day 1 having high end perm resist vs 3 round shrike. Its been ask from time and time again to disallow jade gears from pvp keeping it pve essential only.

Aug 21, 2012
angellifeheart on May 24, 2019 wrote:
I think your confusing yourself I stated that who ever goes first and uses beguile on anyone going second that is about to use an aoe such as a storm or fire then beguile is working as its intended however it does not affect anyone using single target abilities the same round during the buigle. What makes it useless is when its used from second.
I knew exactly what you meant but I don’t think you understood what I meant. They’ve change beguile so it know lasts 2 turns from first instead of one. If you’re first and you beguile the other person, they can’t aoe that turn OR the next now, it used to be if you didn’t aoe the turn you got beguiled, you would go first and be able to aoe the second turn and it would hit the enemy team but now it still makes you hit your own team.