This has been bugging me for a long time, and the past couple of updates have only worsened the problem.
The chat box, which contains a log of chats, drops, and other statuses is really messy. Let me describe some of the issues:
Inconsistency between drop text - "You received: " vs just " <item>" (e.g. "You received: Fire Elf" vs "Fire Elf" - the first one is a treasure card, the second is a spellement. This is worsened by spellement recipe drops like Stormwing.
No scroll bar, just scroll arrows
Clicking on the chat window can unselect the currently selected spell
No way to distinguish item types - wands, tcs, reagents, etc are all written the same way
As drops get larger (especially in final battles, moreso ones with cutscenes), you have to manually scroll through to see what you got
Proof of battle is nonexistent. It's hard to figure out the source of the loot. Something like "You defeated <enemies>" or "Quest Completed: <quest name>" goes a long way and can help the community tremendously
Small UI changes to accompany the type. TC icon for treasure cards, reagent icon for spellements/reagents, pets, items, housing, etc. It may be simpler to just say the type like "Fire Elf TC" or "Fire Elf Reagent/Spellement".
Scroll bar or skip bar that can 'jump' to a previous section
More colors or more information provided in the log for clarity and figuring out which battle/interact/quest yielded what loot
A 'recent chat' mode. When collapsed, the chat window displays the latest chats/status for say 10-15 seconds or less than 5-10 lines, whichever comes first. This would help tremendously for areas with lots of chatting or briefly missing a chat to better follow conversations or view whether the time clam was recently found while selecting spells.
Let me know of your thoughts on this idea! I think this would be a big quality of life change and help the community immensely.
I imagine some of these ideas would be fairly trivial to implement and would be a massive quality of life improvement for Wizards
There should just be a second chat menu area you can switch to that only displays everything you've just said. That way actual chat doesn't make things worse and the items you receive don't spam the chat itself incase you missed something someone said and you have to scroll back up to see it.