I don't know if I'm the only one, but when I get my characters to a higher level, I don't use some of the spells that I bought with my training points. I think it would be awesome if you can select which points you buy back and which ones to keep. I find that it's such a bother to go around getting the spells that I want to keep over again. Also, I also think that we should be able to trade gear, pets, housing items etc with other people. Maybe not to make it so easy for everyone to get great stuff without the work, you can only do it with family accounts. Just a thought.
It would be good to see some form of implementation of this.
The point you made about the training point buyback is one many tend to agree with. Instead of having to give up all our spells only to have to track the trainers down to re-learn what we need, an alternative could be an option allowing us to select the spells we would like to un-learn.
About trading gear; that topic is more of a touchy one.
Many guidelines will have to be put in placed and enforced for this to occur.
It would be good to see some form of implementation of this.
The point you made about the training point buyback is one many tend to agree with. Instead of having to give up all our spells only to have to track the trainers down to re-learn what we need, an alternative could be an option allowing us to select the spells we would like to un-learn.
About trading gear; that topic is more of a touchy one.
Many guidelines will have to be put in placed and enforced for this to occur.
If it would be a pain for coding then perhaps an alternative would be to unlearn all trained spells but have them copied to a temporary clipboard to immediately pick which ones to relearn right there and then.
This would allow pricing to remain the way it is and the current coding etc to still be used instead of re-writing the entire transaction process.
I don't know much about code but I think it might be simpler to add a step in the process that exists rather than re-writing the entire thing to accommodate each spell as a separate transaction.
I don't know if I'm the only one, but when I get my characters to a higher level, I don't use some of the spells that I bought with my training points. I think it would be awesome if you can select which points you buy back and which ones to keep. I find that it's such a bother to go around getting the spells that I want to keep over again. Also, I also think that we should be able to trade gear, pets, housing items etc with other people. Maybe not to make it so easy for everyone to get great stuff without the work, you can only do it with family accounts. Just a thought.
Am pretty sure it can be done despite people lack of knowledge of coding, but the interest has always been in ways to improve and add newer content.