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Deckathalon "Pointless" Runs

May 13, 2010
I love the direction that the deckathalons are headed in with endurance mode. Endurance mode does a nice job of making the leaderboard showcase real skill rather than how much free time the winners had to grind. It also does a nice job of reducing the total amount of gold one needs to spend on treasure cards by limiting the total number of runs allowed.

That being said, by limiting the total number of runs possible, the new endurance mode has blocked off a player's ability to build up a collection of runes and spellements from fighting monsters in the tower. With the insane number of runes and spellements required to craft/upgrade the decks and spells, it is nigh impossible for the average player to reap the deckathalon rewards without spending crowns on rune packs or packs that grant spellements. Especially with how long we have to wait before a school-specific deckathalon repeats. I do think such rewards should be difficult to obtain, but it shouldn't feel like the average player will need to spend money or work for a couple years to get them.

This is where my idea comes in: What if players were given an option to do "pointless" deckathalon runs after running out of credits? A "pointless" run would let the player reenter the tower to fight monsters for runes and spellements, but the player wouldn't earn any points for the event bar or scroll of fortune. This way, the benefits that endurance mode has created for the integrity of the leaderboard will stay the same, but players also won't be as limited with how many runes/spellements they can obtain each time a school-specific deckathalon comes around. Let me know what y'all think of my idea/if you have any aspects you would include with "pointless" runs!

Sep 19, 2013
I'd also like to see the Deckathalon become more frequent (spiral showcase is 50% of the game time and is rather boring imo) and/or allow people to choose the school they want to run the Deckathalon for. So I could choose the life deckathalon every time and continue to upgrade my deck every time it was available.

Dec 13, 2008
leg0master on Mar 18, 2020 wrote:
I love the direction that the deckathalons are headed in with endurance mode. Endurance mode does a nice job of making the leaderboard showcase real skill rather than how much free time the winners had to grind. It also does a nice job of reducing the total amount of gold one needs to spend on treasure cards by limiting the total number of runs allowed.

That being said, by limiting the total number of runs possible, the new endurance mode has blocked off a player's ability to build up a collection of runes and spellements from fighting monsters in the tower. With the insane number of runes and spellements required to craft/upgrade the decks and spells, it is nigh impossible for the average player to reap the deckathalon rewards without spending crowns on rune packs or packs that grant spellements. Especially with how long we have to wait before a school-specific deckathalon repeats. I do think such rewards should be difficult to obtain, but it shouldn't feel like the average player will need to spend money or work for a couple years to get them.

This is where my idea comes in: What if players were given an option to do "pointless" deckathalon runs after running out of credits? A "pointless" run would let the player reenter the tower to fight monsters for runes and spellements, but the player wouldn't earn any points for the event bar or scroll of fortune. This way, the benefits that endurance mode has created for the integrity of the leaderboard will stay the same, but players also won't be as limited with how many runes/spellements they can obtain each time a school-specific deckathalon comes around. Let me know what y'all think of my idea/if you have any aspects you would include with "pointless" runs!
I love the direction that the deckathalons are headed in with endurance mode. Endurance mode does a nice job of making the leaderboard showcase real skill rather than how much free time the winners had to grind. It also does a nice job of reducing the total amount of gold one needs to spend on treasure cards by limiting the total number of runs allowed.

no trying to sound negative in anyway possible i've been patient with all the new changes i think its great that were not burning as much gold as we used to but that doesnt excuse in anyway possible that all deckathalon is doing is becoming more powerful while we players are getting nerfs in every way in it like for example the nerf to may casts in ice it was fine but in deaths it was so unbelieveably bad i just straight up quit it and the other unmention change kingsisle didnt mention in update notes for it the removal of auto-refill to health after stages why in the world did they remove these and no say a single word about it (probably because they knew we would get mad about it and some are some are more mad that its limited and will never be changed) ratbeard literally posted on twitter saying they will never in anyway change the credits in in his or renees words "for our health" because they dont want us playing for 20+ hours which is impossible with the way its set now..

That being said, by limiting the total number of runs possible, the new endurance mode has blocked off a player's ability to build up a collection of runes and spellements from fighting monsters in the tower. With the insane number of runes and spellements required to craft/upgrade the decks and spells, it is nigh impossible for the average player to reap the deckathalon rewards without spending crowns on rune packs or packs that grant spellements. Especially with how long we have to wait before a school-specific deckathalon repeats. I do think such rewards should be difficult to obtain, but it shouldn't feel like the average player will need to spend money or work for a couple years to get them.

ratbeard himself on twitter said they are planning to try and tweak it i think from what my friend had shown me in a screenshot since ratbeard has blocked me for whatever reason so maybe they will make a good change or make an even worse change than what theyve done to it already, as for the spellments he also said something about loremaster spells planned to be more out in the world and she will possibly be dropping spellments as well as the newest spells he wasnt clear about that probably something for a future update...

This is where my idea comes in: What if players were given an option to do "pointless" deckathalon runs after running out of credits? A "pointless" run would let the player reenter the tower to fight monsters for runes and spellements, but the player wouldn't earn any points for the event bar or scroll of fortune. This way, the benefits that endurance mode has created for the integrity of the leaderboard will stay the same, but players also won't be as limited with how many runes/spellements they can obtain each time a school-specific deckathalon comes around. Let me know what y'all think of my idea/if you have any aspects you would include with "pointless" runs!

they will never allow that as much as i would love this ratbeard again has throughly let people on twitter know with renee backing him up saying they never plan to add more credits or any change to play past a limit its sad honestly because i really loved what they did with ices deckathalon it was in a way the best change they could do the limit so it doesnt become stale after a few hours then the pet was easier to get with it being 450 instead of 750 and the may casts on pets werent nerfed as well as health being refilled after stages THAT was fun but was ultimately extremely unfun when the 2 latter things i mention were removed all people got from ratbeard was basically "put such and such item card in your deck!" but the sad fact he doesnt understand is that the tc he is saying put in and not easy to get at all even with the a plant garden that could drop those you couldnt plan for it.. im sorry if this is gonna trigger you but i just absolutely hate deckathalon and this was from someone who use to love it then got used to the change of ices and now hate it with a burning passion i've honestly came to pass with never getting balance ice and deaths class pet thats honestly all i want from it i could care less about the decks or getting to the 10th floor to fight our teacher