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Feedback THURSDAY 12-13-18

Let's break with tradition today and do a rare Feedback THURSDAY, shall we?

Today, I'd like to ask our traditional last question of the year. What is your FAVORITE THING we've added to the Spiral in 2018? Empyrea Part 2? The Hatchmaking Kiosk? The Wizard City Revamp? Something else? We want to know what you loved!

Have a wonderful warm holiday season, everyone!

Standard disclaimer applies: We do not guarantee to use each and every idea submitted, and questions we pose may or may not be pertaining to things we are currently working on, or will ever undertake. Sometimes, there are just technical limitations that make changing things difficult to impossible, and though we possess all manner of magic wands here, there are technological beasts out there that are beyond our grasp. Sometimes, we may not feel it is within the spirit and vision of the spiral to add or change something. Also, we realize that some of these topics may have been addressed before in other threads - sometimes it's good to pick up a discussion again. Chances are I have read your threads and would like to hear more!

“If the Mind is like a candle, the Heart is like the sun.” Professor Falmea
Jul 04, 2009
Everything that you've added to the game this year is amazing. But I have to say that the Wizard City Revamp was my favorite update by far! I remember when mounts were added back in 2009 & I thought that would always remain my favorite Test Realm. I was wrong. The Revamp is now my new favorite. I look forward to seeing other areas you may update. Keep up the great work & Merry Christmas, Kingsisle! :)

Sep 29, 2017
I'm gonna have to say the updated graphics and the Magic Mirror shop. I love customizing my own wizards and making them more unique. Hopefully in the future there will be more hairstyle options, facepaint, etc! And I'm excited to see what you guys are gonna do with Olde Town too!

Allison RainShade - 129
Allison SkyWalker - 116
Allison NightRider - 88
Allison RoseThorn - 39
Allison DragonFlame - 11
Allison GoldenStone - 5

Aug 16, 2014
My favorite part was Whirlybird! And also the Arcanum
(sorry if i spelled it wrong i only played once on my friend's account but it was awesome!)

-Zachary SpirtLeaf

Apr 23, 2014
Jan 18, 2010
You know, 2018 has been one of the more controversial years in recent memory; one marked with tense debates.

However, throughout all that, many of us seem to overlook the good aspects or should I say, the incredible effort exercised by the company to provide us, their customers with highly sought after updates!

From The Mirror Shop to more affordability in terms of Crowns and Memberships; these things shouldn't be ignored.

However, hands down, I have to go with the Graphics Update! This was indeed a welcome and breathtaking gift that was bestowed upon us.

The views around The Commons are nothing short of fantastic!

I however would like to see this attention and revamp to detail be conveyed throughout the spiral.
Please continue the project and possibly incorporate quests (maybe reward us with useful spells?) in which we can help the team too.

Happy Holidays!

Apr 04, 2011
Sep 25, 2016
I really liked the hatching kiosk! It makes getting a good pet so much easier! The Wizard City update was amazing too!

Feb 01, 2013
Definitely the Wizard City Revamp & Empyrea Part 2. Now that the 3rd story arc is completed, I'm hoping we'll get to see more story arcs for the Arcanum Scholars. Though I also gotta say the new hatch making kiosk is great for making new pets without having to pester other players in the game.

Also I would love it if Pork, Spark, and Beans stayed as regular members of the story. I love them so much.

Mar 16, 2010
I loved everything that came to the spiral mainly the tree spells ,they are soo overpowered the right hands.speaking of spells I’m hoping for some high level caftable spells in the distant future,Maybe?

Feb 12, 2015
Wow. you did it on a Thursday this time? I'm happy to answer!

Favorite thing? I don't do favorites that easily! I love everything you did this year! (Though, if I were to choose one, it would probably be the new monstrology extracts. I love collecting House Guests!)

Jul 20, 2018
Again, a lot of great updates this year! I would have to go with the Hatchmaking Kiosk, though. That is what got me the awesome pet carrying me through this game! This was super convenient and limited the number of meetup scheduling that would sometimes take days.

May 04, 2011
Best update was definitely Empyrea part 2. It was great to have new content (despite it being easy) to quest through. I thought the story line was really interesting and the dungeons in reverie were really cool. As for a suggestion, I think the game would benefit hugely from a max level dungeon. Something on par with darkmoor. This dungeon I think should be even more difficult fight club per se to make it truly difficult to unlock the gear. However, the gear would strongly benefit by having a high drop chance. The gear dropped should be some of the best in the game, maybe even surpassing the paradox gear (also, implementing attack robes again would be great). Hopefully, this would be "The new standard for gear". Anyway, this year has been great! Thanks wiz

Aug 03, 2014
It's been an especially amazing year with the milestone of 10 years as an active MMO bringing so much joy to children and adults alike

KI has done an incredible job! I'm not sure if both were added this year, but I truly see the hatch kiosk and team-up kiosks as the biggest game-changers so far. They have opened up the door to team work, community, kindness and sharing in a way nothing else has. The inclusivity for all level wizards, whether new to the game or not, and also to everyone regardless of chat ability is so uplifting and I hope this kind of environment is continued throughout the next 10 years and beyond!

Other things I love - new mounts, pets, pet talents, a new world and new adventures to enjoy, new fish, expansion of monstrology, new rewards for players, new homes and furniture and super-cool house guests, updated graphics, crisp new music and sounds...oh my goodness, I need to stop myself because I can rant for hours about the fun, exciting things in the Spiral!

Great job everyone!

Aug 23, 2016
Top 3:

Commons and Ravenwood update.

Empyrea Part 2 (though since I finished part 1 after part 2 debuted, I didn't have to "wait" for it)


Steven Ghoststalker

Feb 06, 2010
Professor Falmea on Dec 13, 2018 wrote:
Let's break with tradition today and do a rare Feedback THURSDAY, shall we?

Today, I'd like to ask our traditional last question of the year. What is your FAVORITE THING we've added to the Spiral in 2018? Empyrea Part 2? The Hatchmaking Kiosk? The Wizard City Revamp? Something else? We want to know what you loved!

Have a wonderful warm holiday season, everyone!

Standard disclaimer applies: We do not guarantee to use each and every idea submitted, and questions we pose may or may not be pertaining to things we are currently working on, or will ever undertake. Sometimes, there are just technical limitations that make changing things difficult to impossible, and though we possess all manner of magic wands here, there are technological beasts out there that are beyond our grasp. Sometimes, we may not feel it is within the spirit and vision of the spiral to add or change something. Also, we realize that some of these topics may have been addressed before in other threads - sometimes it's good to pick up a discussion again. Chances are I have read your threads and would like to hear more!
The duel against The Headmaster!

Feb 28, 2014
I like them all: Graphics and Texture update, Magic Mirror Shop, Hatchmaker Kiosk and Empyrea part 2.
Graphics and Texture update and Empyrea part 2 are my favorite.

I love what Kingsisle is doing to Wizard City including adding pretty flowers. Magic Mirror Shop gave my wizards more face and hair style to choose from. Hatchmaker Kiosk made it easier to find pets and with the talents to meet my wizard's need. Empyrea Part 2 is like Stargate with a beauiful backgroud and the Storyline is awesome.

Overall, Wizard101 is gettting better and better. Thank you Kingsisle!

Jun 17, 2013
The Bundle Sale, I know that I'm a little late in 2019, but that's my favorite thing from 2018

Sep 07, 2011
Empyria 2. Game play and story are both brilliant. 10/10

Next best, hatching kiosk.

Worst, allowing school-only pets to pass to off-schools in the hatchery. I hope you'll re-think that decision.

Jul 09, 2010
The new graphics FOR SURE
But I also really like the Pet Hatching Kiosk and the Magic Mirror. Just wish their functionality would get an expansion update.

I haven't gotten to play much this year, but thank you guys again for all your beautiful and awesome work!

Great feedback everyone! Now, let's talk about 2019... creating that thread now!

“If the Mind is like a candle, the Heart is like the sun.” Professor Falmea