just a few suggestions, how about adding some crown options to the hatchery kiosk?
#1 like i see some pets out of order like, talents displayed in this order,
dealer proof giver fairy defy
can we not have a crown option to orginize the way the talents are displayed for us perfectionist folks?
should show like this..
fairy giver dealer proof defy
i mean everyone has a preference, pay 100-200 crowns orginize way you like..
#2 be able to cast a 1 time special spell called reveal for say $3000 crowns each pet? which would reveal the talents that pet would get if leveled up. we all have tons of pets in our banks, shared banks, running around the house etc, it would let us “sort out” the ones which we would like to keep and level eventually later. we all have to many pets running around that are never going to get to there potential.