So, during a period of deep thought, I had the great idea. What if you could transmute housing... thiis may be a bit hard to explain, but I'm thinking transmutation has themes. These themes can change many things. You can design your own themes, if you have some beautiful ideas.
1. The coloration of water and grass. This can be minor (shade of blue or green), or extreme (water to lava/magma, grass to sand, etc) 2. The skybox. You can turn it from day to night, change the world, etc 3. Any super-specific landmarks. For example, the cyclops statue that makes up the Myth School House 4. Any monsters/creatures seen on the property (for example, the unicorn in the wooded cottage) 5. The appearance of the various structures. 6. Ambient sounds 7. Fishing results 8. Imagery and symbols (mostly applies to school houses)
Among ideas for my themes, I have quite a few. maybe even too many.
Every street aesthetic of Wizard City (Firecat Alley, Cyclops Lane, Unicorn Way, Triton Avenue, Colossus Boulevard, the cave)
(basically every world is here, and if a world has muiltiple noticeable themes, all of them appear)
Every school
Not every house can be transmuted into every theme, For example, I'd assume Wizard City houses could only have all the Wizard City themes, and maybe the various school themes. Meanwhile, the 7 School Houses could only be transmuted to other schools.
Because I have room, hows about an example. This will also explain how I think it could work.
Lets say you love the looks of the Storm school house, and its submerged aesthetic, but you're an ice student! Sad times. The aesthetics don't match at all. Well... Here we go Here's what you would need. Complete with multiple options..
1. The Ice and Storm school houses themselves. 2. The Storm house, plus a ton of ice treasure cards, OR storm cards mutated to ice. 3. The Storm house, and a ton of ice reagents, and some proper building reagents.
It would definitely be a lot of work to implement. But, I still firmly believe it would be a welcome change of pace.