Hello I've been a huge fan of Wizard101 for a long time since i was in Middle school almost 10 years ago and im still a fan of the game. However, lately ive noticed something that irritates me little bit and that is how almost every new content is only available by buying it. Im not talking about new worlds i believe its fine to have to buy them but my biggest annoyance is if theres anew spell that could make the game much funner and less stressful for some its hidden behind not only a chance factor but a money wall. im talking about the new life spell oh how much money have i waited trying to get it but yet here i still am with ought the spell. Im not saying it should be completely not pay for but maybe make more ways of obtaining it for those who dont have millions of dollars to spend on wiz. I believe this game is becoming play to only and honestly thats so sad. Lastly my second complain in the same field is the new spellwrighting thing. I honestly think its an awesome idea that should have been implemented long ago. My problem with it is that again its pay to win. What i dont understand is this concept is super helpful for lower players yet they have to pay great amounts of money to even upgrade it once and for higher levels its basically useless since most of the spells are lower level anyways. So my main thing is please wiz dont keep making this game pay to win this game could last ages but the way its going with it being pay to win i dont see it surviving to long.