Hi guys, as you know, level 60 has so many dungeons. Aquila, Waterworks, Briskbreeze, Briskbreeze pt 2, Tower of the helephant and many more dungeons are at level 60. Could someone please make me a guide on those dungeons and how/what order to do them in. Sorry if it’s a lot to ask, but it’s odd how they’re all at one level. - Austin LifeFountain level 56 Wizard in The Floating Land.
Do you plan to stop at level 60? If not, you only need to stop by Waterworks for your hat, robe and shoes, then you keep pressing on until 90 for Hades gear.
If you stop at 60, then you will do Waterworks first. After that, Tower of the Helephant for the Aureate Band and Lexicon blade. However, you can buy the Ruby Ring of Battle and Bear's Claw of Fire at the bazaar(May not always be in stock BUT they can be bought at your current level.) Which are very comparable to the Tower of the Helephant ring and athame.
The Aureate Band and Lexicon blade are optional, the bazaar ring and athame are about the same quality, so it'll boil down to personal preference.
As for your wand, I'd personally probably just sticking with Ares' Spear the Sky Iron Hasta for the 10% damage boost.
The dungeon is home to one of the best level 60 gear in the game. The gear available here can take you all the way to level 100. Mastery Amulets are also obtainable from the bosses here. Also, the dungeon has two bosses, one which has no minions (drops the hat) and the latter with two minor boss minions (drops robe and shoes). They both heavily cheat, so, be prepared and try to work as a team.
Tower of Helephant;
The tower is filled with cheats. Completing Wysteria will prompt the Headmistress to call you upon reaching level 60.
Now, the tower drops a useful athame and ring, but, you can do completely fine with alternatives such as those found at the Bazaar or crafted Wintertusk ones.
Waterworks gear out class most if not all gear up into Hades gear at level 90. After that its just a quick jump into Darkmoor to grind out Malistare Gear. Ironically, though, the best ring at level 100 is Alpha and Omega ring from the hidden boss in Mount Olympus so you will end up in Aquila for a while anyhow. At level 60, your best bet is to grind Waterworks for the full set. Regardless of character, that is a no option event. Waterworks gear stays powerful for 30 levels. almost 5 worlds of constant use. Think on that. Waterworks gear is used from Celestia to near the end of Azteca and any place in between.
Meaning its used in the following Celestia Avalon Zafaria Azteca Wintertusk All Aquila Dungeons Very beginning of Khrysalis if your unfortunate enough to not get a grind group going for Tartarus
So yeah, Get waterworks. This is a Non Choice event.
Thanks so much guys! I will only do waterworks, but probably won’t use the gear because I have Nastrond critical gear that is better. I do appreciate the help though!
When you reach that level I wouldnt even bother with any of those dungeons except for waterworks. Once you get the robe, hat, and boots you can take that character to level 90 and be prepared for Tartarus.