I personally think that when Karamelle comes out and/or the max level is 150, we should get a level 100 elixir, as the grind to level 100 takes way to long and I have been asking some wizards and a lot of people agree they should have a level 100 elixir, as the 2nd arc is so much longer than the first arc. They could also add a level 80 elixir, boosting you to the start of Azteca.
Requirements for the level 100 elixir:
- Must have a level 130 wizard on your account.
- Must be above level 50 and below level 100.
- Must have completed the game up to Karamelle at least once.
-60,000 Crowns
Requirements for level 80 elixir:
- Must have a level 80 wizard on your account.
- Must be above level 15 and below level 80.
- Must have completed the game up to Avalon at least once.
- 50,000 Crowns
I think these would be a great addition for wizards who do not wish to grind for weeks over and over again, as it gets really repetitive when you do the same thing multiple times.
As I've said before, these elixirs would help many players, and I am not expecting a level 100 Elixir at least until the max level is 140, but maybe we could at least skip through Celestia and Zafaria, that way we just have the longest worlds to do. I've asked 10 people so far and they all agree that we need at least a level 80 Elixir, because they have been through the same worlds many many many times, and if you think about it they aren't really "skipping" if you've already done it, and you're not missing any storyline content (except for maybe school-specific storyline)