Hello, fellow wiz heads ill try to not come off bias as possible and I know I have been posting some thoughts on WOF before but now am going to be talking about specific changes and understanding of life school DAMAGE spells. Now, id like to think my self as offensive life player than defensive healing. Am not good at pvp not because i limit myself to other school utility tc etc but I've been wondering if am solely to depend on my class spells can they be more effective? Therefore am gonna be focusing on 4 specific spells; sacred charge, luminous weaver, goat monk, and wings of fate. Giving that fact that life has access to a 4 pip heal of 860(satyr)x2 if critical and spells like guardian spirit in which I rarely used id like to understand if these new changes to these spells effects and damage would be broken or more effective.
1. Sacred charge, is a spell we get were forced to deal with a very annoying boss in Darkmoor at the expense of a gold key through numerous of tries. Now, something worth getting through farming is not saying it should be broken but a 5 pip spell that does 500 damage(800) when enchanted with a 250 absorb is not cutting out to par vs a 35% shield. Now many of you may or may not notice the difference but the percentage is greater than flat damage giving the circumstances. I could understand the idea K I tried to imply on life school focusing around absorbs, I just find the number to be underwhelming which is why I would prefer if rather than an absorb the spell effect should be changed to 50+550 overtime damage instead with an added blade of 40%. The blade isn't that necessary but for a 5 pip spell this sounds more decent in my opinion and gives life access to a small dot. Or if possible make it a 500 damage base AOE. Due to the animation already installed.
2. Goat monk is a single target 5 pip life spell with an average base damage of 450-520 with no effect. Giving the fact that were in a meta where the importance of a double effect is necessary. Id like to keep the damaged flat at 520 and give it a 25% damage bubble giving life the access it needs to a damage bubble at the expense of the pip used. Which would provide a sustainable usefulness to this card.
3. Luminous weaver is quite underpowered and ill tell you why and I hope you're listening K I. At max level every school is able to attain 100%+ damage, therefore, one should consider that whatever category you choose to place this spell under in comparing to other classes 4 pip spell damage comparison becomes irrelevant. id for this spell to get a damage buff of 100 making it 460 with a weakness of -30% This is life only most offensive spell and 360(670)epic enchanted is just not cutting it anymore.
4. Wings of fate time and time again as expressed before by much fellow life wizards don't agree with the damage and effect of this spell because at the expense of 1 shadow 6pips. I believe would be much useful if the AOE base damage was 700 with heal of an instant 400.