We all know how all of the schools have their own “niche” but when it comes to myth their minions aren’t really viable OR not worth the pips when we can just do something else that’ll be more worth while. I feel like the potential within the myth school would be endless. Here are a few suggestions I have; able to summon multiple myth minions (2 Max?) and these minions have their OWN UNIQUE move sets I.e unique support myth spells utility, heals etc. Another thing would be us being able to control what our minions do. I don’t really appreciate my minions shielding themselves we should be given options almost like a check list where we can give them specific instructions (only blade me, shield etc) so we wouldnt have to worry about useless minions. I’ve been playing for quite a bit now I want to say around 8 years and although myth has survived thus far this could add a ton more to the school of myth.