Hello! I am Noah, or Noah MythBlade. I would love to talk about the schools at hand. Yes I think all the school are very balanced in there own ways, how Storm has there big hits and fire does too, but there is something a little wrong with myth. If you have noticed from the “10 Year Anniversay Tweet and Facts” page you can see that the most popular schools in the spiral are Storm, Fire, and Death. But, there was no talk about the fewest played schools. I have reasonable doubt to say that Myth is probably the lowest school.
Now that I gave a little context about the problems it faces, I think it can be dealt with in a positive way. Now that the big “Update Month” is upon us, I think Myth alone could use some spell updates. A problem I see is that for example, The Cyclops spell does 265-325 damage right? At level I would like to say 12-16, but the Humungofrog is 265-325 as well. That’s not the worst part the Level 42 spell, Earthquake, has a damage of 310 so from level 12-16 to level 42 the damage has gone lower? I know there is Minotaur but that doesn’t really count on what I am saying. The meta right now is to have a high Hit all spell (aoe), but the real “High” damage hit all spell would by Colossus which is all the way up at level 100 doing around 880 damage. Which is kind of a problem from wizard101 saying that it is such an easy school to solo with in the beginning (because of the minions) but minions alone won’t just carry you through Celestia, Zafaria, or Avalon. I think we just need to buff some of the early level spells (Humungofrog and Earthquake), and just focus one what to do through the spiral to make it easier for Myths,”To solo the Spiral.”
I know that was a lot of rant, but that is my personal opinion. Thank you, Noah MythBlade
Point well said. My Myth is in Azteca with up to date crafting gear and spells with a play style to my comfort and I'm already having problems soloing most fights. My minions don't solve that problem. I feel Myth needs a damage buff on either Humongofrog or Earthquake or add another aoe spell to the list between level 42 and 100. Kingsisle, please up date Myth not just for me, for others who have the same problem as well.
Not to mention Myth school is the only school that does not have a heal.Even Ice can steal a heal. By the way Ice needs a heal also instead of having to wait to steal a partial one.
Point well said. My Myth is in Azteca with up to date crafting gear and spells with a play style to my comfort and I'm already having problems soloing most fights. My minions don't solve that problem. I feel Myth needs a damage buff on either Humongofrog or Earthquake or add another aoe spell to the list between level 42 and 100. Kingsisle, please up date Myth not just for me, for others who have the same problem as well.
Yeah right now, I am in Dragonspyre and do you notice how almost every boss is either Storm or Myth? Like a ton of the bosses in the game are Myth because when you think of the game you think of the courageous beats that confide to the large range of all the worlds. So Myth is really what takes the place in that sense. Like think of MooShu, have you ever felt a time where you just fought Myth after Myth after Myth? Then after all that, Kingsisle puts us in front of all that, with a 310 level 42 AOE spell. I just think that Myth needs a buff to there spells, I don’t think it’s the problem with them needing to add one. I think it’s the proble with the damage. If Humongofrog can go from 265-325 to 285-345, and Earthquake can not go fro 310 but to 400? I think that would be fair, even 450 would do us a little better.
Yeah right now, I am in Dragonspyre and do you notice how almost every boss is either Storm or Myth? Like a ton of the bosses in the game are Myth because when you think of the game you think of the courageous beats that confide to the large range of all the worlds. So Myth is really what takes the place in that sense. Like think of MooShu, have you ever felt a time where you just fought Myth after Myth after Myth? Then after all that, Kingsisle puts us in front of all that, with a 310 level 42 AOE spell. I just think that Myth needs a buff to there spells, I don’t think it’s the problem with them needing to add one. I think it’s the proble with the damage. If Humongofrog can go from 265-325 to 285-345, and Earthquake can not go fro 310 but to 400? I think that would be fair, even 450 would do us a little better.
Yes, Dragonspyre and Mooshu is big on Myth and it'a pain to fight your own school battle after battle. I like your numbers on damage buffs. I'm not sure if KI would buff Earthquake because it's pretty powerful as it is by destroying all shields and charms. It would be nice but who knows. I feel buffing Humongofrog will be a better bet. 450 might be a littler too much for a 4 pip spell. I was thinking about in that ball park 365 - 425 for Humongofrog. Either way, I feel a buff is need between those 2 spells. Why do I need Earthquake taking 6 pips when frog takes 4 doing similar damage. I don't know any Myth wizards that cast Earthquake near as much as Humongofrog.
each school has its features, balance are the best for supports, life for heals, death are good in soloing, etc..... myth are very good in damaging and supporting, myth are not weak nor strong, but myth has shatter, they have mystic, earthquake, medusa, they do stuns, game is not only about damage, if it was about damage no one ever would make a life wizard, this game has various schools with various features, tbh, myth makes farming bosses and gold key bosses way way easier, they take all shields off and stuns the stunable enemies it is only the fire school that kingisle not improving and making it worse and worse, since level 68 spells to level 108 fire had the worst spells ever, and raging bull spell proves what i am saying
each school has its features, balance are the best for supports, life for heals, death are good in soloing, etc..... myth are very good in damaging and supporting, myth are not weak nor strong, but myth has shatter, they have mystic, earthquake, medusa, they do stuns, game is not only about damage, if it was about damage no one ever would make a life wizard, this game has various schools with various features, tbh, myth makes farming bosses and gold key bosses way way easier, they take all shields off and stuns the stunable enemies it is only the fire school that kingisle not improving and making it worse and worse, since level 68 spells to level 108 fire had the worst spells ever, and raging bull spell proves what i am saying
Yes that is true but the point why this threat is made is to have a better survival rating for Myth going solo. Not everyone has the knack to do that at their comfortable strategy level no matter what players do and use to improve their wizard.
I disagree... I love the challenge that myth brings. If you have a problem, maybe it's best to go for a different school or find a few people to help you.
Point well said. My Myth is in Azteca with up to date crafting gear and spells with a play style to my comfort and I'm already having problems soloing most fights. My minions don't solve that problem. I feel Myth needs a damage buff on either Humongofrog or Earthquake or add another aoe spell to the list between level 42 and 100. Kingsisle, please up date Myth not just for me, for others who have the same problem as well.
Have you tried using Monstrology? Yes, I know it can be a time hog going after the monsters and collecting animus, but it can solve the minion issue. When you get high enough in Monstrology, try using the second fight in Mirror Lake. You can get animus from 4 monsters at the same time. The health of the monsters will be close to the monsters' health in Azteca. Myth is the only school that can fill the fight circle with Monstrology monsters. Yes, it does cost 2 pips to call a Monstrology monster, but the ones from mirror lake should be able to hold their own for a while. You could always use Thinderfin from Celestia too. Let's do a comparison:
Vassanji (Myth)
6 pips
Rank 8 2,000 Health
Strongest spell is Orthus
Thunderfin (Storm)
2 pips Rank 10 9,740 health Strongest spell is Storm Lord
Elephant Spectral Guardian (mirror lake 2nd fight main boss) - Sun School (and the strongest of the 4 monsters)
2 Pips Rank 11 9,240 Health Strongest spells are Sirens & Forest Lord
The best part of Monstrology is that the wizard you use them on does NOT need to collect the animus and make the treasure cards for summoning. The TCs that get created are tradable so if you have another, stronger wizard, that one can do all the farming then pass the TCs to your Myth wizard (with the help of another wizard).
Is this a perfect solution? I don't know as my Myth has a questing partner. I AM having him go through and collect TCs for summoning for those nasty boss/solo fights, however, you can summon stronger/healthier minions, for less pips, making it a more reliable option. Check it out for yourself and see if it works for you.
All of that said, I agree that Myth's AoEs have to last you a VERY long time before you get another AoE with some good punch. I think that people try to play each school the same way, and with a team, that's fine, but soloing makes you change it up.
Honestly I to am tired of constantly asking my friends for help to defeat a boss. Me as a myth could never find the perfect strategy and for that I blamed myself because I didn't even think of the possibility that the game might be treating me unfairly all because I picked a different school then some others. Just because a school is over looked and not used as much as others does not mean that it shouldn't be worked on, In fact that's likely the reason no one tends to use myth. I chose Myth because I knew it would be fun and entertaining to use and it was until I reached the point of not being able to deal enough damage in time. Now part of that was my mistake because I liked to use Traps and the problem with that was my minions would use my traps so my solution was to not use minions which was dumb but even so I feel as though I should have had more of a fighting chance during Dragonspyre and Mooshu and future worlds. Even if us myths could get the slightest attention possible and get the buffs that we ask for and such then I'd be more than happy. I'm not saying buffed until Myth is the best school just so we can actually solo a boss in around Dragon spyre and up levels, I do agree when people say Humungo could get a buff but Earthquake not so much. Anyways thank you for reading this long post of mine and I hope I managed to explain some things about myth that aren't that great.
Hello! I am Noah, or Noah MythBlade. I would love to talk about the schools at hand. Yes I think all the school are very balanced in there own ways, how Storm has there big hits and fire does too, but there is something a little wrong with myth. If you have noticed from the “10 Year Anniversay Tweet and Facts” page you can see that the most popular schools in the spiral are Storm, Fire, and Death. But, there was no talk about the fewest played schools. I have reasonable doubt to say that Myth is probably the lowest school.
Now that I gave a little context about the problems it faces, I think it can be dealt with in a positive way. Now that the big “Update Month” is upon us, I think Myth alone could use some spell updates. A problem I see is that for example, The Cyclops spell does 265-325 damage right? At level I would like to say 12-16, but the Humungofrog is 265-325 as well. That’s not the worst part the Level 42 spell, Earthquake, has a damage of 310 so from level 12-16 to level 42 the damage has gone lower? I know there is Minotaur but that doesn’t really count on what I am saying. The meta right now is to have a high Hit all spell (aoe), but the real “High” damage hit all spell would by Colossus which is all the way up at level 100 doing around 880 damage. Which is kind of a problem from wizard101 saying that it is such an easy school to solo with in the beginning (because of the minions) but minions alone won’t just carry you through Celestia, Zafaria, or Avalon. I think we just need to buff some of the early level spells (Humungofrog and Earthquake), and just focus one what to do through the spiral to make it easier for Myths,”To solo the Spiral.”
I know that was a lot of rant, but that is my personal opinion. Thank you, Noah MythBlade
I only read this part, i'm gonna read the rest of the posts but the reason earth is only 310 is because it's basically a mass removal of everything, blades debuffs traps and what could be 30+ shields, one attack and poof, it's well within the range of acceptability, although it would be nice I do agree with how it stands, I was able to solo up to lvl 86 before I stopped playing but that was on an old account, I have my current one as a restart so to speak, where I had to work it up the old way. at lvl 30 you have zeus gear, the professor hoard pack has amazing boots for all classes and the hasta with 10% dmg boost is utterly carrying everyone a bit more for lvl 30-60+. There's also the option of buying TC buffs or training the dmg buff sun spells which buff the dmg for a frog to you know, well past 500's. and with gear taking you to about 50+dmg and pets with dmg and resist abilities, simply buffing the cards would be a big problem. Then there's the pvp issues, if you get zeus gear at lvl 30 and start pvp at 33 when you get minotaur you can EASILY get to knight+ maybe higher if you use some TC but myth is INCREDIBLY easy to solo without minions. I can honestly say I like the minion AI for usability but I don't require them simply because they get in the way sometimes. also I don't use traps and I can still solo(unless we talk about feint)
Not to mention Myth school is the only school that does not have a heal.Even Ice can steal a heal. By the way Ice needs a heal also instead of having to wait to steal a partial one.
I agree myth needs a heal but ice can have 60+resist universal lol, you can always train satyr and go to morganthe or waterworks and farm a life mastery or wait for the sale at st patricks day for 5k amulet
each school has its features, balance are the best for supports, life for heals, death are good in soloing, etc..... myth are very good in damaging and supporting, myth are not weak nor strong, but myth has shatter, they have mystic, earthquake, medusa, they do stuns, game is not only about damage, if it was about damage no one ever would make a life wizard, this game has various schools with various features, tbh, myth makes farming bosses and gold key bosses way way easier, they take all shields off and stuns the stunable enemies it is only the fire school that kingisle not improving and making it worse and worse, since level 68 spells to level 108 fire had the worst spells ever, and raging bull spell proves what i am saying
TBH I love raging bull and my fire has won countless 1v1 tourneys and 2v2 against storms and many others, they have improved all the classes it just depends on how you use it