I love the essential layout of the Desert Villa (sold in Krok's housing shop) But it's covered in sand Has a gigantic sphinx
and tattered curtains over the windows.
I wish there was a version with it's "floor plan" (including yard/islands) but with these changes:
much larger yard/island areas for landscaping, pets and gardens - especially in the back of the surface house so the gardens can hide back there
keeping the pools, streams and waterfalls - but adding unique fish
soft Avalon like grass
natural looking plant life like Grizzelheim
**keeps the swiftly blowing summer sky of Krokotopia
instead of the sand colored stone the buildings are made of it could be deep pretty brown wood, or colorful stucco or boards like in Empyrea.
round or steep roof
universal accents
no school or world specific markings (like the giant krok or the Ice House's dead gobbler)
no bugs
The layout of this Krok house is so unique and has so much potential if it was modular and we could remove elements we dont like (sphynx or bugs) and we could add new skins for the appearnace of the structures and grasses over the sand - then we could landscape as normal - though again I'd like the island yard to be bigger so I could garden in back.
Sounds nice BUT KI is going by the Egyptian look. There is no grass in Egypt. All sand. No wood for buildings. Lots of stone and bricks made from clay/dirt and baked in the hot sun. Lots and lots of bugs there especially flies. I don't like bugs either and not looking forward to Krysalis. Each world in the spiral is from a different culture. You could do different wallpaper and flooring inside. Good luck.