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Pack spells

Aug 23, 2018
I would very much like a system to be put into place for spells earned through packs

I spent close to 10k in crowns today on packs, first on my newly made storm wiz (don't judge, who doesn't like a "big blaster" attack when they were small, be honest) {5-almost 6k on him alone} he got no spells, but plenty of housing items and reagents

the final 4-almost 5k went to my fire wiz...and he got 2 STORM SPELLS back to back, Queen Calypso and Catalan...

I would very much like to transfer these spells to my other wiz, even if it was a one off transfer (Spells get flagged so they can't be transferred again or something)

or maybe since each spell has such a low drop rate, make them (if from packs) account wide, thus allowing proper wizards with the proper school to take advantage

or maybe all spells from packs can be made into gifts when you draw them? so we can claim on only the wiz that would benefit?

I hope I posted in the right forum for this, and I hope I get some good feedback, negative or positive

{feature a if you'd like some kind of system in place to fix wrong school pack spell drops, a if you think luck of the draw rules all and it should stay as is}

Aug 23, 2016
This is the reason why I seldom buy packs.

With spells being school specific and ultra rare at that, if by some act of God the RNG decides to grant you a spell, there is a 6 in 7 chance that it will be completely useless.

I would be encouraged to buy more packs if it was a guarantee that any spells learned would be appropriate for my wizard. I am not a programmer but how hard can it be to add a line of code, RNG=Spell Check Wizard Class type Spell=Wizard Class Type.

I have no problem with Spells being rare, but at least make them worth obtaining.

The Ghoststalker Bros.

Jan 18, 2010
This idea was suggested a few times in the past.

Many of can relate to opening packs and/or farming Loremaster only to receive spells that are complete useless to said wizard but would be extremely useful to another wizard on the same account.

Now, this idea may help to ease most of the pain and disappointment suffered from the abuse of the packs and Loremaster, however, I believe it some criteria and limits must be involved.

I feel this option should first be introduced in the Test Realm, just so the community is given a chance to play around with the feature and see how it impacts Gameplay.

There should be a level limit as to when spells can be transferred - Wouldn't want to make PvP more unfair as it already is.

This should probably be a crowns feature

And finally, spells transferred cannot be un-done and transferred back to the original wizard who had it.

Also, obviously, transferred spells will be removed from the catalogue of the wizard it's coming from.

So, a very hopeful feature if implemented correctly.

Jun 19, 2010
Yes that really ticks me off also. Never seem to get the spell on the school that can best use it, but buy a few with an off school wizard and you get the item / spell / pet with just a few purchases. I know there is the necklace that lets you cast for the same pips, but I need the other attributes on my current necklace and don't want to lose them for the off school item. I really like the idea of rare items going into the Gift area, or make them able to go into the shared bank or if a spell card make it tradable. I think all players have at least one well trusted friend to trade it back to you - or make a free account so you can control the trades between your own accounts.
Rowan StoryDreamer