First of all, hello! This post is going to be about Packs! I sure hope this one doesn't get me banned, haha. All joking aside, I am sure I am not the only one following the very current news and conflict over loot boxes. Loot boxes, if you are not yet aware, are basically exactly what packs are. They are a digital gambling slot machine that offer in game prizes for real world money. It kinda tickles my imagination if the mainstream media picked up Wizard101 as a story. I can see the headlines already "Online game marketed primarily towards children entices gambling addiction habits". Now all joking aside, my main issue, as well as many other peoples issue is centered around drop rates not being disclosed. If you do not yet understand this concept then I implore you to research the topic further on your own. What I would like to see is drop rates disclosed in these packs/loot boxes before it becomes a bigger issue. Any feedback from the professors is highly anticipated on this hot topic, as well as any other wizards with further comment on the matter. Thanks all and have a magical day!