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Peace Dove Free New Pet

Aug 25, 2018
I really like the Peace Dove pet, I think it was a great idea, but I do have one question, why choose an attack card for the Dove, why not a Healing card as it is supposed to represent peace after all.
What does everyone else think of this?

Mar 16, 2012
FyreWolverine on Nov 12, 2018 wrote:
I really like the Peace Dove pet, I think it was a great idea, but I do have one question, why choose an attack card for the Dove, why not a Healing card as it is supposed to represent peace after all.
What does everyone else think of this?
It is a Life pet after all, and I think Ice Wyvern is completely wrong for it. Healing or a shield would be better.

Aug 03, 2014
anecorbie on Nov 12, 2018 wrote:
It is a Life pet after all, and I think Ice Wyvern is completely wrong for it. Healing or a shield would be better.
Yes, I think shields would be a perfect illustration of protecting those facing hostilities. I'm not sure about an off-school attack spell...but I do think the pet is beautiful and a lovely tribute

Jul 05, 2014
FyreWolverine on Nov 12, 2018 wrote:
I really like the Peace Dove pet, I think it was a great idea, but I do have one question, why choose an attack card for the Dove, why not a Healing card as it is supposed to represent peace after all.
What does everyone else think of this?
Hiya FyreWolverine,

Agreed! I think that it could have a life version of Beguile!
I know this is a death spell, but I think that since this is a special pet, it should have a special card that only that pet has! Maybe something like "Peace Touch" could be the card it gives you!
The Ice Wyvern doesn't even make since! I mean- it's life, not ice!


Tiffany Hex

Jan 21, 2010
well, it is supposed to commemorate warriors. I assume that is why it gives an attack spell. I suspect it gives a different school spell so ice wizards will like it too? I mean as a life pet it is very likely to give all kinds of life cards and may cast life spells. The wyvern is just a bonus. Remember you can remove the spell from your deck by clicking its icon under your spell deck and placing a big red X on it.
I'm just relieved that it doesn't have or give pacify, since those spells have a dove on the card but are rather useless.

Jun 28, 2018
I think an absorb would be cool maybe an absorb per pip so its not to OP for lower lvl

Oct 27, 2009
The dove is lovely! The wyvern spell would let you attack as a life or death wizard if you had been hit with a myth imp.

Aug 25, 2018
Hey everyone I really like some of the ideas you suggested, :-)
I like the idea of absorb, that would be really great

Jul 20, 2018
I think that since the pet was meant to repesent warriors of the past (ANCIENT warriors), they chose the spell Ancient Wyvern. I do like the abilities the pet has; it's one of the better free pets they've given out.

Sep 30, 2018
Orrrr here me out it should get 3 calm cards :3 you that spell every school gets with the white pigeon bird symbol yea. Reduce threat to target for 2 pips. Peace Be with Yall. LOL