We’ve seen many changes, updates and revamps done to our amazing game, Wizard101, some good, some alright, some we may not want to talk about, however a change I think is very much needed and very much welcome is a complete overhaul for pet training.
As of right now, pet training and getting the pet of your dreams is 1% hard work and 99% chance. Your pet actually becoming a perfect questing/PvP/jade/whatever pet doesn’t depend on how many games you play, or the pet snacks you feed it, it depends solely on luck.
I have discussed an idea with a group of friends for a new way to train pets, and get talents, this time, giving the player almost absolute control over what talents the pet gives.
Pet training will be the same, you play a game, feed your pet, it gains exp until it hits a new level, however, instead of the pet gaining a random talent, a brand new popup screen will appear with 5 different talents the player can choose from. Maybe you want critical, maybe you want damage, maybe you want resist, maybe you want may casts.
I feel giving the players more control over what their pets get would benefit them greatly.
Even if the talent you want doesn’t show, the feeling of being able to decide what you yourself get instead of the game deciding is a fantastic feeling.
After awhile off pet training and playing this game for nearly 10 years, it has become more of a chore than a game, every time my pet is about to level up my anxiety hits the roof and I feel like passing out, fearing it will inevitably fail, every time my pet fails at mega with a useless talent I feel like deleting my account.
KingsIsle, would you ever consider doing this? Giving your players more of a choice, more of a chance to get the pet talents they dream of? Easing their stress and anger from failed pets and hundreds of wasted pet snacks?
I love the game, it was the first multiplayer game I ever played and feeling angry at it and stressed out by it upsets me to no end, I want to be able to feel like training my pets is a game again and not drudgery.
We’ve seen many changes, updates and revamps done to our amazing game, Wizard101, some good, some alright, some we may not want to talk about, however a change I think is very much needed and very much welcome is a complete overhaul for pet training.
As of right now, pet training and getting the pet of your dreams is 1% hard work and 99% chance. Your pet actually becoming a perfect questing/PvP/jade/whatever pet doesn’t depend on how many games you play, or the pet snacks you feed it, it depends solely on luck.
I have discussed an idea with a group of friends for a new way to train pets, and get talents, this time, giving the player almost absolute control over what talents the pet gives.
Pet training will be the same, you play a game, feed your pet, it gains exp until it hits a new level, however, instead of the pet gaining a random talent, a brand new popup screen will appear with 5 different talents the player can choose from. Maybe you want critical, maybe you want damage, maybe you want resist, maybe you want may casts.
I feel giving the players more control over what their pets get would benefit them greatly.
Even if the talent you want doesn’t show, the feeling of being able to decide what you yourself get instead of the game deciding is a fantastic feeling.
After awhile off pet training and playing this game for nearly 10 years, it has become more of a chore than a game, every time my pet is about to level up my anxiety hits the roof and I feel like passing out, fearing it will inevitably fail, every time my pet fails at mega with a useless talent I feel like deleting my account.
KingsIsle, would you ever consider doing this? Giving your players more of a choice, more of a chance to get the pet talents they dream of? Easing their stress and anger from failed pets and hundreds of wasted pet snacks?
I love the game, it was the first multiplayer game I ever played and feeling angry at it and stressed out by it upsets me to no end, I want to be able to feel like training my pets is a game again and not drudgery.
~Wolf CrowCaller~
It's not just luck! It's hatching and persistence! I can help you make the perfect pet!
Many of us have made pets that are BETTER than wizards need so that when we hatch to help other wizards they will always be able to improve their pets and achieve their goals. No-one needs a perfect pet but if you want one you CAN achieve whatever you want with pets if you persist and stick to the hatching method
Most people with 'perfect pets' follow a simple set of 'rules':
Raise the stats Perfect the talent pool Make safe hatches (parent pets both with perfect stats and pool) Raise the babies for the perfect manifested talent combo
The easiest way to make a great pet for your wizard is to find one that is already what you want - body type, stats, talents. Hatch with this over and over using the baby from the last hatch each time until you achieve a baby with stat bars that are good/perfect. Check the talent pool is the same as the pet you're copying - either identical or when all the desired talents are there...it's easier to make a pool copy if you're unsure about pool reading or don't know the talents of your original pet.
When you have a pet with the same stats and talent pool as the one you're copying, hatch it again so you have two. Use these 'safe' pets as the parents...don't yolo them!
Hatch the parents together and train the baby up. With each new talent manifested decide which are your 2 strongest pets to combine in a hatch. Train the weakest non-fail. Discard fails and rehatch the 2 safe ones to see what the new baby gives.
EG - making trip, double:
Pet 1: Pain giver, storm dealer Pet 2: Proof, storm dealer
This combo has 3 of your desired final talents manifested.
Pet 3 (baby of 1+2) then gets: Pain giver, defy, storm dealer
Stop training Pet 3 and exchange it with Pet 1, giving the parent pets a combo of 4 desired talents manifested. Train Pet 1.
When you get your perfect combo you will be left with 2 part trained parent pets to yolo if you want lol
I can support this idea, with a caveat. The skills shown MUST be in the pet's gene pool. Being able to choose any skill from the whole bank of talents would encroach on KI money making ability.
I agree with you 100% CaptainAureus. While I love the game, pet training has become a hugely unsatisfying chore and is long overdue for an overhaul.
I would love to have some control over the talents our pets manifest, especially when they reach Mega. I have spent literally MILLIONS of Gold on hatching hundreds of pets to make decent pets for all my characters.
Typically, it takes me 40 hatches to achieve the desired outcome. And so many pets fail at Mega. I close my eyes when my pets reach Mega, because I’m afraid the pets will fail with an undesirable talent; and fail they do MOST OF THE TIME - even when both parents have the identical stats, talent pool and talents manifested.
While I have decent pets for all my characters, recently I thought it would be nice to transfer the talents of my Carnation Pixie to the new Decade Piggle pet. After transferring the stats and talent pool, I experienced 20 fails. I thought to myself, why am I even doing this? So I just stopped.
It’s just not worth the time playing repetitive pet games ad nauseum for the pets to fail.
So, while I have been very passionate about pets in the past, I decided NO MORE PET TRAINING. I even stopped gardening on my six gardening characters. I have no motivation to do it anymore.
I really hope KingsIsle takes notice of your suggestion CaptainAureus.
I agree with CaptainAureus' idea. However, I would say that like dayerider's approach, that you shouldn't just be able to pick 5 talents out of an entire pool of pet talents KI has made. That would lead to serious issues because there are so many talents that not everyone wants from KI's system 5/1000+ are not good odds to get the pet you want, in which case, I'd probably want the current system lol. That said, this is definitely on the right track.
I know that this is controversial, but honestly I would NOT mind spending 1,000-2,000 crowns to either perfectly pick my pet's talents from their gene pool OR get a "pet crystal ball" that we can use on a pet to see what talents it will give at what stages so we know not to train those pets.
im sorry to say that, but not getting the talents you want for your pet is your problem, you need to hatch with pets having the talents you want, and keep hatching until you get your perfect one, this is a game, if everyone gets to be able to get whatever he wants easily it would be silly game, there must some struggles in the game which is why this game is the best. what is the point of leveling up a wizard to max level and getting thee perfect pet or perfect gear or stuff only by clicking on what you want?
im sorry to say that, but not getting the talents you want for your pet is your problem, you need to hatch with pets having the talents you want, and keep hatching until you get your perfect one, this is a game, if everyone gets to be able to get whatever he wants easily it would be silly game, there must some struggles in the game which is why this game is the best. what is the point of leveling up a wizard to max level and getting thee perfect pet or perfect gear or stuff only by clicking on what you want?
While I think this post does give hard work merrit, as someone who has done the long and hard road and knows that the normal person doesn't have hundreds of EMPs/couches at their disposal or many crowns to train pets via energy elixirs, I disagree with saying it is "their problem." All of us get fails pets. Wasting hundreds of mega snacks (7 is viewed as 2500 crowns according to the mega snack pack btw) for it to fail at mega is extremely frustrating. I think this post above is a little bit of a dated approach toward the pet issues.