Here is how this works. Every month or so, I will post a theme to roleplay about. You act as your character, tell what they do, type what they say, and, um, that's pretty much it. You use BLACK for narriating what your character does, use RED for dialoge your character says, and use BLUE for comments out of character.
Any questions?
HERE IS THE FIRST THEME!!! You are a student at Ravenwood, and you are at the library studying for a huge test. I'll start.
Kyle hates the huge finals every year. He studies his tail off every year to get a good grade, and even though every year he passes with flying colors, but still. Hours and hours for days. He finishes one book on the history of the Dragons Harold. Got any more books? Fire or Myth. Harold handed Kyle a book titled The One Eye: History of the Cyclops. Kyle moans and sits down and studies.