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Shadow spell ideas

Jul 19, 2015
I've been thinking about a new shadow spells:
Shadow Form
Its an enchantment card sort of like Epic you give it to an already existing school spells and change several things for it.
(I will use Fire cat as an example)

Name: Fire cat > Shadow Form: Fire Cat
Pip cost: 1 > 1 Normal +1 Shadow
School : Fire > Shadow (Can still use Power pips though)
Pierce : 0> 5%
Accuracy: 75% > 85%
Damage: 80-120> 580-620

Jun 28, 2018
This is an okay Idea but Personnally I do not think that would help higher level people one pip basically is a power pip when your high enough level but I still think this is a decent Idea
lvl 20 Balance John Shadowstalker