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Shielding boast

Feb 14, 2009
"Think of a shield as an attack, directed at your opponents attack."
There are attack boasts and healing boast but no shielding boast. It kinda stinks to me think of it this way. Ice armor and heck hound do 125 per pip
Ice 125 X 14 = 500 + 1250 = 1750 no boast but resistance of attack AFTER it is destroyed. Heck hound 14 pips 1750 now add the player's fire attack boast which is what? 10-25%? ( 1925 - 2187.5) then add blades which are 35 ( 2798- 2952) (45 if treasure) and 35(? normal i think) etc. dont have time to do the rest of the math right now sry. But anyways 1750 vs in the 3000s. and yes shields but there is always stun option

Jul 04, 2009
#1) It is boost, not boast
#2) Heck hound does 120 damage per pip over 3 rounds, that is 40 damage per pip per round.
#3) How can your resistance come into effect if the damage hasn't reached you yet? That is what the shield is doing, preventing the damange from reaching you.

Are you looking for something for your Ice Armor like what a blade does for damage, or Guiding Light does for healing? Or would it be something for all shields? Because asking for a booster for 1 particular spell is ridiculous. Personally, I think having a boost for shields is wasteful.

Feb 14, 2009
2. Heck hound is an X not just 40
Preacher7719 wrote:
#1) It is boost, not boast
#2) Heck hound does 120 damage per pip over 3 rounds, that is 40 damage per pip per round.
#3) How can your resistance come into effect if the damage hasn't reached you yet? That is what the shield is doing, preventing the damange from reaching you.

Are you looking for something for your Ice Armor like what a blade does for damage, or Guiding Light does for healing? Or would it be something for all shields? Because asking for a booster for 1 particular spell is ridiculous. Personally, I think having a boost for shields is wasteful.

3. For shields such as absorb and ice armor the damage is dealt with so the resistance doesnt come in until AFTER it's broken, this is why i suggest we ressist BEFORE wards are used.

And it isnt just ONE spell it's for ALL of the shields

Jul 04, 2009
That's what I'm trying to tell you. Your resistance can't come into play because the damage isn't reaching you. However much you'd like it to resist before a shield, it is completely illogical.