Stacking Blades and Traps/Feint (improvement idea)
There NEEDS to be a way to differentiate between a charmed blade/trap -vs- a regular blade/trap. I always forget which one I have already cast, and I'm sure I'm not the only one here who's messed up a perfect stack because they forgot. Perhaps a charmed blade or trap can have some sort of gold sheen around it, like the card itself has.
Along with differentiating, we've all had that frustrating moment when fighting a boss where we can't tell between a hex or a feint. There needs to be like some indicator, maybe a slight difference in design?
It would just make life so much easier if there were some indicators. Nothing too fancy, just enough to tell the difference.
Re: Stacking Blades and Traps/Feint (improvement idea)
icemaster95z on Jan 26, 2019 wrote:
There NEEDS to be a way to differentiate between a charmed blade/trap -vs- a regular blade/trap. I always forget which one I have already cast, and I'm sure I'm not the only one here who's messed up a perfect stack because they forgot. Perhaps a charmed blade or trap can have some sort of gold sheen around it, like the card itself has.
Along with differentiating, we've all had that frustrating moment when fighting a boss where we can't tell between a hex or a feint. There needs to be like some indicator, maybe a slight difference in design?
It would just make life so much easier if there were some indicators. Nothing too fancy, just enough to tell the difference.
max 53
I only just found this out myself by watching someone who streams wizard101 on youtube but there is a way to tell both what blades you have on yourself and what's been put on a boss.
If you hover over your wizard's name while it's your turn to pick a spell a list of what's on your wizard will pop up showing all blades, shields, and traps placed by your enemies that are currently on your wizard. As the list gets bigger it does get harder to differentiate but the list also turns charmed blades and traps listed a different color (purple I believe but I don't remember of the top of my head) and tc will be listed in yellow writing.
The same can be said for any enemy you're fighting. Hover your mouse over their name during your turn to pick a spell and a list of all traps placed on them along with any blades they've placed themselves will appear. Again just like on you traps that have potent on them will be listed in a different color.
I also forgot to mention this list put down blades and traps that haven't been changed as white. It also lists the percentage they are for. So for example my death wiz uses a regular spirit blade spell. The list will say 35% 35%35% exactly like that including the symbols except the writing for the percentages will be white.
Personally I like your suggestion of putting a glow on the blades better than the list because it is not a well known part of the game and it takes me more time to read the list than it would just to look at what's above my wizard's head. Plus even in full screen the list once it gets big enough is hard to read since it lists every blade with a symbol not just the ones that apply to your school.
But despite my rambling just thought I'd let you know there is a way to keep track of what you've got on you and your enemy and good luck reading the tiny lists :).
Re: Stacking Blades and Traps/Feint (improvement idea)
If you hover over your dueling circle icon thingy (for example, if you're the first in your team, you usually have the sun icon), you can see a list of all the buffs on you. The same if you hover over someone else's icon, even an enemy's. You will need 2D Combat Display in Gameplay Options 1 toggled in order to utilize this.
The list of buffs even differentiates between buffs that are normal (white), enchanted buffs (purple), buffs from pets (light blue), and Treasure Cards (yellow). You can also see what percentage each buff offers or takes away. It also separates blades/weaknesses from shields/traps and shows you what global is currently up.
What I do wish is for there to be a way to tell whether that Treasure Card I just cast was a Balanceblade TC or a Dragonblade TC. Same with Curse and Hex TC. It'd also be nice if it displayed what the character's Aura gives, what Absorbs are up and how much they'll absorb (they used to show Absorbs on the list, but they just said Absorb), and also whether or not a certain buff is protected.
Re: Stacking Blades and Traps/Feint (improvement idea)
icemaster95z on Jan 26, 2019 wrote:
There NEEDS to be a way to differentiate between a charmed blade/trap -vs- a regular blade/trap. I always forget which one I have already cast, and I'm sure I'm not the only one here who's messed up a perfect stack because they forgot. Perhaps a charmed blade or trap can have some sort of gold sheen around it, like the card itself has.
Along with differentiating, we've all had that frustrating moment when fighting a boss where we can't tell between a hex or a feint. There needs to be like some indicator, maybe a slight difference in design?
It would just make life so much easier if there were some indicators. Nothing too fancy, just enough to tell the difference.
max 53
Forgive me if you know this already! If we hover over the name of the player or enemy we get a list of the different blades/traps etc on them. It's not hugely detailed but it does show the percentages etc and whether there are multiple the same. The area we have to hover over is too small imo and it would be really good if KI could increase it because, especially on a time limit, we have to be a little too precise. It's a great feature though and really helps
Whether you knew about the above or not, there are still a lot of spells that have differences that can't be easily identified. It makes it very difficult, particularly when working with menu chat players. I don't know any way to identify if the item card or treasure card will stack or not because some of them look identical when we check what's being put in. It's not uncommon to need to ask if a blade is a pet sharp etc.
It would be good for there to be clear identifiers, especially for those who do not have the luxoury of chat to be able to clarify.
Re: Stacking Blades and Traps/Feint (improvement idea)
There already exists a method to differentiate amongst casted charm/wards on yourself alongside opponents.
By moving your mouse cursor over your name, you will see a list of the current charms (blades) and/or wards (traps/shields) that are in orbital around your person.
Enchanted blades/traps have a brown color to it in writing. Treasure Cards are written in a gold color Cards used from your gear have a blueish - violet color. Regular cards are written in plain text.
Try using a few charms etc. and viewing them via the method I described above.