hey KI, could you please make it so if a wizard has not logged into there account for a long time, you can show a brief summary of what they were currently doing, and where they were in the storyline? it would give players time to catch up and they wont get confused. and ik this might be difficult to do, but also maybe adding cutscenes to the dialog would be nice too.
hey KI, could you please make it so if a wizard has not logged into there account for a long time, you can show a brief summary of what they were currently doing, and where they were in the storyline? it would give players time to catch up and they wont get confused. and ik this might be difficult to do, but also maybe adding cutscenes to the dialog would be nice too.
Blaze StormWielder: lvl 113
There are already cutscenes to the dialog! You see them in the third arc.
And a brief summary? Good idea! They have something like that in Pirate101, it might be nice to have it here.
I am pretty sure there is a way to see previous dialogue if you look in the quest section in your spell book. It doesn't completely explain it but I could give you a general idea.
There are already cutscenes to the dialog! You see them in the third arc.
And a brief summary? Good idea! They have something like that in Pirate101, it might be nice to have it here.
When I said cutscenes I meant cutscenes that line up with the story line catch up. for example, say you left the game for a very long time, but returned right when you were about to defeat rattlebones. but you had no idea what part of the story line you were at. basically, it would show a dialog saying you were about to defeat rattlebones to save the fairies and it showed cutscenes with rattlebones in it while the dialog was playing. I already knew about the cutscenes with dialog during the game. But thanks for liking my idea all the same!
When I said cutscenes I meant cutscenes that line up with the story line catch up. for example, say you left the game for a very long time, but returned right when you were about to defeat rattlebones. but you had no idea what part of the story line you were at. basically, it would show a dialog saying you were about to defeat rattlebones to save the fairies and it showed cutscenes with rattlebones in it while the dialog was playing. I already knew about the cutscenes with dialog during the game. But thanks for liking my idea all the same!
Blaze StormWielder:Level 113
We can listen back to the last set of dialogue.
Click your book Open quests Click on 'review dialogue' - the icon (top left of the specific quest) that looks like a ? and a scroll. The dialogue boxes from that quest will show - you can either read them or click on the speech bubble that allows us to 'listen to dialogue'.
If you want to recap further back than your current quest you can search the quest you are on and find it on the wizard101 central wiki. There will be a hyperlink for the prequest near the top left (just under 'quest information'). Click the prequest and then go down near the bottom of the page until you see near the bottom left 'Quest Dialogue'. All the way to the right of the page but inline with 'quest dialogue' you will see [expand] (it's written in blue). Click it and you will get the dialogue for the prequest!
You can not listen to the dialogue via the wiki, but you can read it. You can go back as many quests as you like and get as full a catch up as you want to