"So you're here to try and ruin MY fun? When all of these people are close to death ALREADY!? FINE then."
The Shadow Demon Class: Rank: 18 Boss Health: 30,000 Classification: Unknown
Shadow Pips: 3 max Starting Pips: 5 Out Pierce: +15% Out Boost: +155% Incoming Boost: +40% to Universal.
Cheats: Yes
If a Negative Charm or Ward is placed upon the Shadow Demon, it will be removed regardless of Indemnity and grant him 1 Shadow Pip, just like the Shadow Demon spell.
Spells Known:
Berserk (+35% Out, +45% Inc), (Aegis Protected) Shadowblade, (Indemnity Protected) Mass Shadow Trap, Lord of Night (Shadow), Deer Knight (Shadow), Call of Khrulhu (Shadow). ____________________________________________________________________________________________
- Intimidation: If a Negative Charm or Negative Ward is placed upon a Wizard while the Wizard has activated this spell, all will be removed regardless of Indemnity and grant the Wizard 1 Shadow Pip.
___________________________________________________________________________________________ Side Note: Kingsisle if you actually plan to use this idea, please use me in the quest but leave my name as ???. I would very much appreciate you crediting me for the idea.
Side Note: Orignally the Shadow demon had a 8% out pierce and 205% out damage boost but due to the math, the boss was decided to hard to compete against.