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Aug 01, 2014
Hello wizards! I am here to present to you an idea for a new side world for the third arc: Entropia!

Entropia comes from the word ‘entropy’ which means lack of order or predictability; gradual decline into disorder.
The entrance to Entropia is the void portal you sometimes see outside of the Arcanum

The important question! What’s the point?

Entropia is a world full of shadow creatures that are creating order. This sounds good at first until you remember that shadow is supposed to be unpredictable and chaotic
In this world, you play as a villain, but still as a hero to the spiral. Your job is to destroy the order and make sure that shadow is still chaotic. If shadow becomes predictable, it throws the entire spiral off balance and will unleash total chaos upon the spiral
The main antagonist is a powerful shadow wizard who uses their manipulative powers to slowly create control over the shadow world.

Well what’s the loot?

Large quantity of XP and gold
Access to brand new shadow spells
Powerful bosses that show no mercy and drop fantastic loot
Special shadow infused school specific utility spells

How do I get here?

After beating Polaris and being level 110+, Velma von Venkman summons you to her office in the Arcanum, telling you that shadow magic is starting to become uncontrollable and much more self destructive than ever.
She sends you to a cave in Polaris where you meet a font of shadow, which slowly leads you to learn about the world of Entropia

Please tell me what you think!