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True Friends Item Trading

Mar 14, 2011
A way to trade items/reagents between accounts that are true friends.

Since the birth of Discord, it is nearly impossible to trade rare reagents without them getting sniped from someone trying to make a profit on Discord's W101 trading servers. A way around this would be very helpful.

Thank you for continually making this game a better place for all.

Dec 22, 2008
I like the idea of direct reagent trading; however, the True Friends system is abused on Discord and other channels. So if you wanted a distinction between friends you know in real life and friends you met in game, I would advise against using True Friends as the metric.

On the contrary, I think that some of the best people you meet are on this game, and we should restrict this based on if they're on Friends list or in your Group, if at all. Honestly if I wanted to give someone something, in this case, a reagent, I should be able to do that without adding them to my list. Why don't we put this under privacy settings, and have a option that says "Allow Treasure Card Requests From:" and then let them choose "Anyone" / "Friends only" / "Friends or People in my group" / "Only people in my Group" / "No one". Underneath that, we can have a similar option entitled "Allow Reagent Card Requests From:". Thanks for sharing your idea!!