Why I think Wild bolt is unhealthy in the PvP space
This might be controversial and might be seen as a complaint for some. My intention is to not be heard as a complaint, but more so try to explain how things can become unhealthy over a period of time. There might be many issues such as this one but currently wild bolt is just one that comes to mind. In my opinion bolt has become too strong as the level cap continues to increase. The problem with this spell is its potential to output an incredible amount of damage with just 2 pips. Before you can say "storm is supposed to be RNG school, its meant to be high risk high reward", the problem with this is that with the current state of the game, the reward heavily outweighs the risk. Currently right now damage enchantments paired with high damage and critical from gear makes wild bolt very high damage and low risk. Currently critical block is an unappealing stat to take, which means every critical bolt will always go through. When an enchanted wild bolt criticals but hits low end, it can still do high amounts of damage because of the gear worn by the caster and the target not being able to crit block. This makes wild bolt a low risk high reward option, which is why it feels unfair and cheap. Now if we were to turn the tables where bolt gets its best outcome and is able to hit max, it is able to easily chunk half of an opponent's health effortlessly with just 2 pips. This is especially frustrating when they get first turn where the opponent doesn't have a chance to even act against it. My argument here is that bolt might used to be not an issue before in old level caps, but as higher damage/critical gear are released paired with damage enchantments continuing to get higher, it may become an issue in the long run. Keep in mind this is all in the context that jade/high resist gear gets an eventual nerf and is not so oppressive as it currently is in PvP. I hope I was able to shed some light on this topic.