Hey guys, it's me again, Owlgirl8000. I was thinking, maybe there should be a Wizard Newspaper, you don't have to call it that, but you could call it something like The Wizard Times. You could have like the Abracadoodle comics in it, and you could have some Headmaster's News. Also, you could have CrossWord puzzles, or just games you could do. Wizards could also post things on it. Like for example, you could do the Abracadoodle Winner and their Wizard's Name or something, just news and updates. Like you know how we log on and we see those messages like Buy the Charity Mount, or School House Rock, or the Abracadoodle typing speech bubbles in? You could post those on the Newspaper, but not take them away when you are logging in. You could put it in the top Left corner, where the Menu Chat and the Red Chat Balloon is, and the Crown Shop, too.
i love this idea!!! I am tired of seeing the same old news over and over again. Like the newspaper could come out every monday. Another poosible name is The Ravenwood Times.
Or besides _____ Times, it could be called ______ Press, like Ravenwood Press or something. Natalie Crowshard Grandmaster Theurgist :D :D :D :D And I love the idea!!!!
Here are some suggestions: (Feel free to change or make variations.) The Wizard Media The Wiz Magazine The Spiral Times There could be multiple magazines/newspapers (one for every world or one for each section, Crafting, Housing, Dueling, Shopping, etc.) Wizard City Times Krokotopia Parchment Marleybone Media MooShu Magazine DragonSpyre News GrizzleHeim Gazette Bubbled Crafting, Create&Craft, Castles&Lands101, Furniture for Wizards PvP Patrol, Gone Duelin', Dueling Illustrated Stylin' Shopper, Styling with Stats
LOL soo cute you could also do news as if it were real for example:
Malistaire fond of deadly dragons??Malistare was recently spotted in dragon spire by wizard tourists one little girl said " it was scary he was mumbling about the dragonspire dragon!" The spirals best are currently investigateing we assure you all will be well.