Are you sure you want to walk... it's slower than running.
Yes, I'm sure. Like Star Edward said, it would be nice to have it as an option. Like when we're at one of our houses, just casually chatting with someone or, you may even be showing them around. It would be nice to slow down and enjoy the surroundings. Thanks for asking!
I would propose an inverse version of the Boots of the Comet. Aforementioned boots boost your speed by 10% they even work indoors because they aren't a mount. Of course they do take up your shoe equipment slot, so no combat bonus. Though from what you have said you aren't planning to fight in this mode anyway. So a pair of shoes that has a negative speed modifier like some of the April Fools mounts. I have a Ball and Chain mount that lowers my speed by 60%. Moving at less than half speed actually doesn't feel so slow at first. Though I don't recommend actually trying to get somewhere while moving at that speed.
I am frankly surprised that the Boots(Shoes?) of the Comet are still in the crowns shop. I don't see why they can't make an opposite pair. What do they name the shoes though?
I do warn you that people aren't going to notice even a -20% speed modifier., it just isn't slow enough. For that matter; slowing down the walking animation would do wonders for making a player feel like they are moving slowly, even if they aren't technically traveling at a slower rate.
I would propose an inverse version of the Boots of the Comet. Aforementioned boots boost your speed by 10% they even work indoors because they aren't a mount. Of course they do take up your shoe equipment slot, so no combat bonus. Though from what you have said you aren't planning to fight in this mode anyway. So a pair of shoes that has a negative speed modifier like some of the April Fools mounts. I have a Ball and Chain mount that lowers my speed by 60%. Moving at less than half speed actually doesn't feel so slow at first. Though I don't recommend actually trying to get somewhere while moving at that speed.
I am frankly surprised that the Boots(Shoes?) of the Comet are still in the crowns shop. I don't see why they can't make an opposite pair. What do they name the shoes though?
I do warn you that people aren't going to notice even a -20% speed modifier., it just isn't slow enough. For that matter; slowing down the walking animation would do wonders for making a player feel like they are moving slowly, even if they aren't technically traveling at a slower rate.
I didn't even know such a thing as those shoes existed! I learned something new today.
I didn't even know such a thing as those shoes existed! I learned something new today.
Another benefit of the speed modifying shoes is that the speed bonus stacks with the speed bonus of a mount. I suppose if you have one with a penalty and the other with a bonus you could change your speed further. Slow shoes could give you a walking tiger or a slowly flying dragon. Remember the animations wouldn't change, the wings would flap at normal speed, and the legs would step at the same rate, it would just take you longer to get from point A to point B.
I do wonder if Walking speed has a maximum or a minimum cap? Currently with shoes and fastest mount someone could travel at +65% speed. If I put on a ball and chain -60 and shoes with -30% could I walk at 10% of the normal rate? If they made shoes at -40% and I put on the ball and chain so my speed was -100% would I be unable to move? I did play a game that had a mount that was a throne, the mount reduced your speed to 0 because it was a chair, it was a way for them to put a sit-able chair into the game.