Hi! It's me again! I just thought of an amazing idea! Because (sadly) Wizard101 will eventually end, it would need an amazingly extravagant final world, so... how about a world where your wizard is the villain? Like you have the power to take over the spiral, and you have to choose between what's right and wrong. In this world, the students of Ravenwood, and all of your previous allies have to fight against you. There could also be this epic battle with AmbroseAfter(if) you are defeated, you go to an afterlife-like world, where you see everyone who has died.(Malistaire, Sylvia Drake, etc.) Wouldn't that be amazing I hope everyone likes it. There could also be houses that would be available to buy, a heaven-like castle in the sky, with flying angels,clouds, etc., and a fiery underworld themed castle with demons,fire, volcanoes, etc.
I like the idea of the Honey I Shrunk The Kids theme with big blades of grass and mushrooms, etc.
And conversely, a world where you are a giant.
How about a world that is almost purely flying? Not any kind of jet-fighter z-axis thing, just an environment that makes you feel high in the sky with cloud walls. The whole time, instead of running like normal, you would be flying on a broom/carpet/bird. A large zeppelin city would be a nice touch.
Greek/Roman world, togas ftw!
Fairgrounds world! The different parts are themed after the mini-games that you play to fill your mana. :)
This isn't creative but I believe that Valencia and Monquista should be added and they could have the chance of coming. Valencia seems impossible but I shall keep dreaming. There are already a few Monquistadors in W101 so why not involve the world? It also seems obvious that Polaris or maybe even more Darkmoor could be added as well. Polaris is mentioned so much in both games I have no idea why it isn't in yet and I have seen the post card. There is no way that Polaris won't be involved. Darkmoor seems like an awesome world to add. I seems like the world Old Cob comes from and the best battle in the entire game, Shadow Malistare.
Enjoy the world creations Kingsile, Hannah Nightgem 72
If it stays within the world themed as the schools
Wizard City: Krokotopia: Marleybone: -ish? Mooshu: Dragonspyre: Celestia: , Zafaria: Avalon: Azteca: Khrysalis: Obviously, there is a complete absence of the ice school. It is weird that it would be completely out of sync. I think that Polaris will be next, the first Ice themed world. Maybe a death world or something after that? I dunno. How about Myth?
There is only 1 fire, there is bound to be anther. Wintertusk is ice, grizzlehime is Ice, Storm, and Death. Wysteria is Life. Fire is bound to be added thanks to your idea
A world in which our wizards go on a small quest, then return to Wizard city, to find that it is now a dark place, and that an evil has taken over all the good people (with survivors as vendors etc), and you have to fight Ambrose inn the 3rd arc (3-4 worlds maybe). That would be epic, fighting all the "good guys"
There should be a time machine or something, so we can go back in time to when Wizard City, Krokotopia, Grizzleheim, Marleybone, etc. were all still one place. All the races could be turned against each other by Dragons, Giants, and Tritons (like Bears are with the Giants, but the Dogs are with the Dragons, the Cats and Rats are with the Tritons and Manders are with all three). The final dungeon could be helping Bartlebey (sorry if I'm spelling it wrong) split the world into different sections like Marleybone, Wizard City, and Krokotopia to protect the differen races from massacring each other . Cole Stalker, level 45
How about an Atlantis themed world. All under water with mermaids and mermen, fish, sharks, coral, and more.
How about a Futuristic World. Or based on a kind of old sci-fi idea of futuristic. Robots, flashing lights, teleporter's, sleek building, etc.
How about a Moon Base world.
As a Piers Anthony fan how about a world of fantasy with pun speaking players. :-)
Along same line above say some World that speaks in riddles.
Of course their is always the classic knights, castles, dragons, and maidens in distress; medieval world idea.
Maybe a racing themed world. Or an Amusement park themed world.
Then there is always the idea of worlds with individual school themes.
Thats just some ideas off top of my head.
how about a world for each and every school! , , , , , , , , , and there are many school based worlds for the beginning world, but how about a world(s) for star, sun, moon and shadow?
also it will be more challenging because it is not easy to resist the new schools ant it will be less predictable. Because no one knows what the enemy is going to use!
A world in which our wizards go on a small quest, then return to Wizard city, to find that it is now a dark place, and that an evil has taken over all the good people (with survivors as vendors etc), and you have to fight Ambrose inn the 3rd arc (3-4 worlds maybe). That would be epic, fighting all the "good guys"
I really think that's a pretty good idea, but I really think it should be a little different. Maybe, instead, there could be a world where you could choose to be either good or bad. I actually want to see if some of the (NPC) wizards actually agreed with the bad guys.
Duncan Grimwater (you find him on Triton Avenue) may be a good bad guy, in the end. He seems suspicious, because of the quest where he says he will be as good a Death Wizard as Malistare (some of you may not remember, since it wasn't very far from the beginning. I didn't remember until I started working on a new character).
What if we were able to go back to certain worlds in the spiral, such as, questing in the streets of Marleybone, the rough, rugged terrain of Dragonspyre, and the wasteland desert of Krokotopia. There have been so many doors in the spiral that lead to nowhere (guessing this is intentional for later updates), so using those to go back to the old worlds with different experiences. This could bring back the feel of nostalgia from when there was nothing past dragonsypre, but at the same time, give the players something new.
Hmm, I like the idea of individual school themes. Also going back to places in the spiral really sounds fun. I have been playing Wizard101 for about 4 years. I have invested a lot of time and money in the game. I can't imagine giving up my houses and pets to play another game. I am still not bored with the game and there is still a lot that I want to do. You could open up a portal to another world, let me start at level one there but let me keep my stuff. LOL, love my stuff! I have friends and family who don't do all the quests. They finish the level way ahead of me and then sit around wishing for another level. Once they were even rewarded with 30,000 crowns for playing that way. I do wish you would not let anyone skip anything. Playing the whole game is very rewarding. I craft, do plants, pets, and have lots and lots of houses. I imagine my family and I will still be playing Wizard101 four years from now. I do need some wood wall recipes. hint-hint. Oh yes, need more room for pets, please. I really enjoyed this last summer. What a bunch of fun! Loved the one shot dungeons, and the crafting was fun. (because it was doable. Motes of beauty and such take the fun out of the game. They are too hard to get so I gave up. To much like work. Loved all the new furniture! Thank you for all the summer fun! Mattie1010
I was thinking a world where you travel into story books and solve there quests there. You got a quest from the Headmaster when you're on level 50 and you went to a (new) book on Triton Avenue, and went inside it to a world it looks pretty normal (as far as worlds go), but there are lots of books. You have to go and talk to someone and he will tell you that Malistare stole some potions that can make him travel into books. You get two places when you first go in. You get a place where you can battle and you have to battle Pirates that escaped from Peter Pan and Flying Monkeys that escaped from The Wizard of Oz. You'd battle the monkeys for the potion, and Pirates for the key to the Peter Pan book. Then you could travel into the Peter Pan book. (You have to get the key to the book to unlock it.) Then you could go into the Peter Pan book and stop the chaos there, and get the key to The Wizard of Oz, and stop stuff there. If this actualy becomes a Wizard101 world, you can add as many books as you want. It could be an always adding new world, and something always goes wrong. Like in Peter Pan, Tinker Bell gets kidnapped by Malistaire and is given to Captain Hook in exchange for the Pirates to help him. And in Cinderella, Malistaire uses a love spell on the Prince to make him fall in love with a wicked stepsister in exchange for there help! (You battle enslaved mice and wizards and (not enslaved) cats. Lucifer is a boss.) And in Sleeping Beauty, Malistaire captures the blue fairy so she can't weaken the spell from death to sleeping, and you have to rescue her before the party. (You try to convince Aurora's parents to invite Malificent, but they stubornly refuse.) You get the idea. And you should only have them pay crowns for a book, and not for the first areas, because us free to play players players need a place we can have for free. This is just an idea off the top of my head. I hope it actually becomes a place!
I think there should be school specific worlds(I know krokotopia is already balance but maybe a different balance one) that only that school goes into(so friends can only teleport in if they're the same school). It wouldn't be like a full world though, the length would be sort of like wysteria. There could be both a pet quest and a spell quest in there plus just regular quests and side quests. For the enemies schools maybe have all the bosses be the school of the world and all the minions be other schools or the other way around. Some ideas for the worlds are a volcano for fire, a big glacier based of the ice age for ice, an underground dungeon like place for death, a place where you walk between tree tops for life(I know that's sorta like zafaria). And some details on those four ideas: Fire: •world mainly made up of the volcano •the volcano erupted previously and left the world in chaos •lava rolling down the hill •caves within the volcano •bridges over lava inside the volcanoIce: •enemies including penguins, mammoths, polar bears •based of the ice age •some transitions between areas by sledding down a hill •frozen lakes that you could ice skate on Life: •lots of tree tops •grass and gardens all over the groundDeath: •central area above ground •first quest gives you a special shovel to dig underground to the first area •lots of tunnels •plot has good guys looked up in dungeon cells deep underground
I hope you guys at kingside like these ideas I would love to see them in the game!
Speaking of imaginative worlds, I have ALWAYS thought a world named "Melodia" where the main aspect would be music would be incredibly beautiful and creative! The monsters could be music notes, there could be a boss such as Earwig Beethoven, as a play off Beethoven, another boss called Bobby Plant that may look like Aphrodite, of course a play off of Robert Plant. I think there are strong references you could take when it comes to music! I won't go into Pink Floyd... That area would just be spooky LOL
I personally, as a Doctor Who lover for many years now, was absolutely amazed when I saw the Five Boxes Event. I think it would be awesome to see a side world similar to Gallifrey. This world would of course be the home world of "The Professor".
We've heard where most main characters are from for example Meryl is from Avalon, Halstom is from marleybone, Cyrus and malastaire are from Dragonspyre,etc. Well we've explored all the worlds that our professors came from except the world professor Greyrose came from!! I don't think the exact name has been mentioned but it's a world full of candy and sweets! I think that we should be able to go to this world maybe after Polaris because I would like the world anyway but it's even better that that's the world the Greyrose came from!
I do not have a specific world idea so much as a story line idea. Somehow, you get set up and you look like you are the bad guy.The whole world is you trying to prove you are innocent. A lot of use of school, and it ends up you were set up. In the end the person who set you up was working for (insert evil villain name), as an attempt to get you out of the picture. This might be a good idea for a side world or such.
Another idea I had was maybe there could be like a "Choose Your Path" world where you get to choose what happens. Sometimes I think when questing, "Wouldn't it make more sense for this to happen?", so I think that this could be a cool idea. Maybe different things could happen depending on what school you are in.
Finally, we always hear of the ,, and school titans and the history of magic. A really cool final world to end Wizard101 () would to go to the beginning. See, the end could be the beginning! I've always wanted to see this. Out of all of these ideas, this is my favorite.
I suggest staying out of modern times, I believe that would be a turnoff, I'm speaking for myself, I don't know about you other people, but that would be when I stop playing wizard101. I hope you like my ideas - Emily PixieThistle level 64 thurgist - Emily PixieThistle level 20 necromancer - Erin Storm level 2 diviner
I was thinking a world where you travel into story books and solve there quests there. You got a quest from the Headmaster when you're on level 50 and you went to a (new) book on Triton Avenue, and went inside it to a world it looks pretty normal (as far as worlds go), but there are lots of books. You have to go and talk to someone and he will tell you that Malistare stole some potions that can make him travel into books. You get two places when you first go in. You get a place where you can battle and you have to battle Pirates that escaped from Peter Pan and Flying Monkeys that escaped from The Wizard of Oz. You'd battle the monkeys for the potion, and Pirates for the key to the Peter Pan book. Then you could travel into the Peter Pan book. (You have to get the key to the book to unlock it.) Then you could go into the Peter Pan book and stop the chaos there, and get the key to The Wizard of Oz, and stop stuff there. If this actualy becomes a Wizard101 world, you can add as many books as you want. It could be an always adding new world, and something always goes wrong. Like in Peter Pan, Tinker Bell gets kidnapped by Malistaire and is given to Captain Hook in exchange for the Pirates to help him. And in Cinderella, Malistaire uses a love spell on the Prince to make him fall in love with a wicked stepsister in exchange for there help! (You battle enslaved mice and wizards and (not enslaved) cats. Lucifer is a boss.) And in Sleeping Beauty, Malistaire captures the blue fairy so she can't weaken the spell from death to sleeping, and you have to rescue her before the party. (You try to convince Aurora's parents to invite Malificent, but they stubornly refuse.) You get the idea. And you should only have them pay crowns for a book, and not for the first areas, because us free to play players players need a place we can have for free. This is just an idea off the top of my head. I hope it actually becomes a place!
It's a cool idea but you defeat malastaire normally between level 44 and 50 so malastaire couldn't be in it
what about a world that you acidentally get into then can't get out except with (insert final bosses name here) spiral key.you really could get out with the original world gate but it would be a storyline world so you had to do it.what do you think?
Well, what Sierra Pearl said really got me thinking:
Sierra Pearl
Oct 11, 2015
What new worlds do you think are on The Spiral? We've heard where most main characters are from for example Meryl is from Avalon, Halstom is from marleybone, Cyrus and malastaire are from Dragonspyre,etc. Well we've explored all the worlds that our professors came from except the world professor Greyrose came from!!
It's true! Professor Greyrose's origins have never been mentioned (that I know of, but I might've skipped something)!
First of all, after taking a closer look at her, I noticed that she looked like she belung in a fairytale: full cheeks, small upturned nose, wings (quite obviously), and let's not forget her gentle eyes and kind expression.
Anyway, I was thinking of a winter-themed world where it would always snow. Perhaps there'd even be a kingdom? It could be ruled by a person or an animal (a polar bear for a king and penguins for guards! Haha, I guess that'd be a little silly.) Its inhabitants could be elves, or even fairies, like the Professor!
The mobs could be... Hmm, I can't think of anything for now. Awesome topic, though!
TravisravenWraith here, Old cob's prophecy mentioned empyrea. Empyrea sounds like empire so there could be like a war like thing in a sense like grizzlehiem. We've seen that gh had some panorama in the place with all the dungeons of ice fire and storm origin. Perhaps this new world could have empire of life vs death as in the school with myth stuck in the middle unable to side with one or the other. There could be corrupt secret parties leading upper ranks in the life or death one influencing what each empire is doing. This is just a thought let me know what you guys think about this. p.s: shadow could have an opposite perhaps not like something cliche though like light lvl 96 lvl 90 lvl 80 lvl 62 lvl 52 lvl 32
Well... I've been thinking that Mirage would be a good world. There is a chance this world may come to be, because Nalia Dunestrider, the competitor in the spiral cup, says she is from there. It would be a desert, of course. However, they already did an African desert for Krokotopia, so I was thinking of Saudi-Arabia style. Arabian nights. That would be a great idea.
Just imagine; marketplaces full of merchants, mysterious caves. Even one of the NPCs could be an Efreet.
Mirage is an exciting idea. I want to see that dream become reality.
(I know a lot about Wysteria from my previous acount.)