I could swear I found a card shop where the second merchant is at in the circle, but when I went back it was not there. Is this on a timer thing like the shop in Krocotopia?? Any help would be appreciated, just knowing I am not losing it would be nice.
I could swear I found a card shop where the second merchant is at in the circle, but when I went back it was not there. Is this on a timer thing like the shop in Krocotopia?? Any help would be appreciated, just knowing I am not losing it would be nice.
There is a training area near Mindy Pixiecrown. It is not a shop. I know of no actual shop in Colossus.
I could swear I found a card shop where the second merchant is at in the circle, but when I went back it was not there. Is this on a timer thing like the shop in Krocotopia?? Any help would be appreciated, just knowing I am not losing it would be nice.
If you are talking about the Secret Trainer, Mildred Farseer, on Colossus Blvd., she is located near Mindy Pixiecrown on Colossus Blvd. Mildred is in a little alcove/house near Mindy. It isn't on any kind of timer. Mildred's area is always open.
If you mean the hidden shop. It didn't go away. There are more than one centre thing in Colussus Boulivard or however you spell it. The shop is by Mindy PixieCrown. If you are by a different person or nothing at all, you are in the wrong centre place. This is really common!
I don't think there is a trainer or shop there i looked EVERYWHERE and I can't find it someone help!
If you are facing Mindy on Colossus Blvd look to your left - you will see a break in the stone wall go down the short ramp and the secret trainer is in that building.
Mindy Farseer will be your go-to-girl (or witch or whatever she is) for your school of defuse spell. The one that is in accordance with your main school of magic will be free. For the others, it will cost one Training Point each.
I don't think there is a trainer or shop there i looked EVERYWHERE and I can't find it someone help!
Walk along the walls of the first central area you arrive at on Colossus Boulevard. When there is a gap in the wall, go through the gap and you should see Mildred's card-training house.
if you look by mindy pixecrown go around the entire circle you will stairs going down to a house and go in the house and there is the card shop hope this helped
jack skullbreeze master of fire see you in the spiral