I need a bit of EXP to start getting to level 85 (even though i've been doing nothing but clearing out quests from previous worlds i'm still only at 84) for the extra training point, and I only now found out that the sand squid is myth. any advice for dealing with him besides "go with a storm wizard?"
You're probably not going to be able to solo him, especially with his crazy cheats, stunning spells, and having to fight two 20(k) bosses at once + there 4(k) health minions.
Have a full group to try and help you! I duo'd the battle but we both just barely survived and it was because we were max levels (at the time).
One thing you should do however is pack Convinction or Stun Blocks those guys LOVE to stun.
Get as much myth resist as possible. Sacrifice damage for solely myth resist. Traps are your best friend in that fight. I would avoid using blades altogether, because they can stun easily and of course earthquake. Bring a pet that heal you. Avoid casting a healing spell yourself. Is a waste of pips and turns.
Get as much myth resist as possible. Sacrifice damage for solely myth resist. Traps are your best friend in that fight. I would avoid using blades altogether, because they can stun easily and of course earthquake. Bring a pet that heal you. Avoid casting a healing spell yourself. Is a waste of pips and turns.
For some reason i can't seem to get a "spritely" pet.