Hi Everyone!, My question is mostly when do people get into Zafaria? Both of my friends got in when they were level 70. I wanna know so I will know when i'm SORTA near the end of Celestia. So is it lvl 70 or like 65 or 60 like whatever.
I think I was level 59 or 60 when I got into Zafaria on my death wizard.
I might have been able to enter sooner, but I put off main questing long enough to level up and earn Skeletal Dragon for the Trial of the Spheres quest. Good thing I did because Skeletal Dragon turned Trial's first boss into an easy target when it would have been a challenge otherwise.
Got to Zafaria on my at lvl 57, had to grind up an extra level, it took forever. Generally, I'd say, Wizards get there at the upper 50s and lower 60s, even though I've seen a couple beat Celestia and get into Zafaria at like lvl 65-70.
I did celestia before wintertusk but I went into zafaria and did a bit of it then went back to wintertusk so I was kinda under level but I got to zafaria at 57. I think I levels once or twice in trial of the spheres though.
I did Wintertusk and Grizzleheim halfway through Celestia to level up more, so by the time I made it to Zafaria I was level 62 . Even for me I seemed too low-level for Zafaria because If I couldn't beat that storm bug boss in the treehouse market alone then I wasn't ready for what is next
I got in about lvl 64 Wichita is nice because your a bit higher level and you can get Gnomes! Just do some good dungeness and you got an upper hand. Like the boxes and house dungeons .